This iteration came from taking the Budget version, breaking down what worked and what didn’t, and upgrading everything as appropriate.
Game plan is simple. Ramp to five, drop bombs forever. Initiate and Merchant allow massive threats to come out way too early. Scribe, Wisp, and Moonstone draw rapidly through the deck (while Favored ensures smooth power early with less late). Expended draws and Dawnwalkers make great sacrifice fodder for enemy Vara, and the Dawnwalkers themselves mean that you will rapidly outpace any targeted removal the enemy tries to play will run out eventually.
Priority plays on each turn are Teacher, Dawnwalker, Sandstorm, and Moonstone. Others at each slot are to be played as power permits. After 8 power in play, do not play more without excellent reason as they can be traded out via Merchant for whatever tool is needed.