Wanted to share a Rakano list that got me to masters this season (July).
Privilege of Rank seems like a weird choice at first, but greatly increased the stability and consistency of the deck.
I piloted this deck while also trying out the new Icaria blue creation but liked this version better and also had a decent matchup against Iblue itself.
Matchups that feel like a coin flip are the combrei aegis decks, but they are mostly being played at masters facing jank and mostly praxis token through diamond which this deck completely recks, especially if you get any notable warcries on
Whirling Duo or
Unseen Commando
Im not sure about the market choices yet, but having some power in there is incredibly good for adding even more consistency.
I mainly dropped
Vanquish to get some play in for
Vanquisher's Blade and see, if i like the card.
The fact that i can easily get some more lifesteal against more aggressive decks felt amazing and outright won games.
The real carry of this deck is little icaria as well as big icaria (unheard of, right :D?)
Cards i was thinking about adding:
Finest Hour mainly to battle understatted dudes that get bloated by combat tricks like the combrei deck working with +1/+1 buffs and finest hours themself.
- Relic Hate of some form, probably best put in the market, but not sure what that would be. Alternatively one could use Shatterglass Mage
Rizahn, Greatbow Master im not sure if this guy is a carry or not, since the condition wasnt always active but i can agree that he is a decent threat. Im wondering if x2 is the perfect amount or if another copy in the market would work well. If the lifesteal is active and he hits the field the tables will turn in case you had a bad time before. Other than that, im not really sure about Rizahn.
One could try to use the 4/8 Flyer Amilli, Cloudmarshal in his place and probably get some decent results too - yet the 3 green influence makes it seem too unreliable and would probably need some other changes too.
I think the base of this deck is very consistent and will yield results.
Sometimes you do have a slow start but you get rolling easily by using Rise to the Challenge to get a small Icaria in play to keep your snowball growing.