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Azindels Return

Throne Deck By


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Stall and control is the name of this game. This is mostly a late game deck, sometimes mid and the rare times early.

Devastating setback: For attempted aggro control, situations where you feel confident they do not have aggro, and or late game, use it to remove key cards from their deck.

Mask of torment: pump it up as much as possible with life while attempt to minimize the damage your'e receiving.

Azindel, Revealed: It's very tempting to play him when you have the power, I like to wait for two. Two hedges your bets incase of a silence or a removal of Azindel. Typically they will only have a removal for him or his generated minions but rarely both. The next turn you play the second, and attack with the already active minions.

Where this deck shines. If things go right you'll have garnered a lot of power and the ability to pretty much play anything that you grab from your opponents deck. The tormentor is a great backup incase of Azindel failing. Additionally if you end up with tormentors in your void and a bunch of spitelings I've added Unraveler of Destinies to give you an additional play in awkward situations.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
20 21 11

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
26 14 11 13

Card Types
15 6 24 0 30

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Into Shadow [Set1004]


October 11, 2018


Eternal Version
Into Shadow

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