Slow, but quite fun:
- tavrod - transform, cirso, regression, 2xstrike
- Titan - same
- Vara - same
- ikari - Titan + cirso, aegis pop + transform
- 25 power but + 2 Seek Power + 4 Strategies + 4 Wisdom of the Elders + 4
Trail Maker
Mind Link with
Cirso, the Great Glutton and
Regression is real fun.
Disjunction mainly for regression extraction and against relic weapons
Cobalt Waystone (aegis) is important as you have to survive until Cirso
- Note that
Rain of Frogs gives "special" frog (Cost 1 with destiny), so with Mind Link it's draw a card for each copy in hand + frog on the table
Trail Maker is vulnerable to
Lightning Storm, but provides a unit earlier.
Possible extensions
Crown of Possibilities mainly additional fun
Unstable Form as aegis pop and random unit upgrade also an answer to tavrod, Titan, Vara, ikaria,
- I'm not sure
Twinning Ritual worth being in the deck