This is a Company of Exiles event deck focused on pure ramp.
The goal is to ase all available power-seeking/playing spells to get us to 10 power as soon as possible in order to drop A New Tomorrow-- there's only 1 10-cost unit in the game, and Scourge of Frostholme will shut down this spell-focused event cold.
To get there, we have lots of echo spells to flood the board with 2 cost units, Rain of Frogs to disrupt opponent's key spells, Harsh Rule and Leave a Witness to control the board, and 4x Great Parliaments to provide both blockers and a wincon after we get to 8+ power.
Edit: Based on suggestions, I also added 2 Celestial Omens to tutor for A New Tomorrow and 2 Excavates as a buffer against Sabotage.