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Kerendon ramp control [Masters - Tier A+ / S]

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Hi team,

Long timer lurker here who have been playing this game on and off for a few years now. I usually go for tripple masters and do my own brews or take skeletens from you guys and do some twits. This is my first time, however, where I've shared a deck officially. I do agree with mr. Ranger that we need to spread more info on available decks to keep the game up and about.

This particular brew is something me and cakecake came up with. I reluctantly decide to share it since I honestly believe it's the best ladder deck there is. Last two months I got masters with 75%-80% winrate from G3 to masters. I hope you guys don't try it out because it's way too much fun.

Concept of the deck

Ramp and survive!
The powerlevel of Eternal cards don't scale linear, but instead exponentially. What I mean is that the top 2 cost cards aren't 2x better than 1 mana cost ones, but rather 2,5-3x. Same goes for 3 mana > 2 mana, 4 mana > 3 mana, 5 mana > 4 mana and so on. I realize this sounds pretty derp cause combination of cards makes the deck, but when building this deck it made alot of sense. The idea here is to get to the higher cost cards as soon as possible to outvalue your opponent.


The idea is to utilize the mana you get from Lost Scroll Display of Vision A New Beginning Marshal Ironthorn to get to the endgame quicker. You also maindeck End Of An Era for relic aggro, throne room, kira decks, etc.. Display of Vision is also incredibly good against those decks because of the relic removal and -1/-1 ability.

You usually win by either combining Marshal Ironthorn with Riftfeeder Wasp, straight up hitting opponents in the face with Stormhalt Plating, do big dudes with Builder's Decree, or use you sideboard to get Subversion of Nature.

Card reasoning
3x Nomnom's Feast are incredibly potent against aggro / tempo decks after you've ramped and resetted the board. It also allows you to take some extra damage to bait out additional units from their side.

2x Skullmarket Delivery We only really need this for A. early aggro decks where you don't have an end of an era in the starting hand, B. Corrupt against combo / opponent subversion or save the day, or C. against an annoying high cost relic where we don't have a vision available.

I've tweaked the mana-base quite a few times to get the optimal lay-out. I do believe what this deck run is the best combination betweel cylixes, crests, marks and sigils. We do sometimes run out of sigils for the ramp spells, but getting the right influence is by far more important imo.

Really strong against all aggro, tempo, midrange decks. Relics just straight up get destroyed and the matchup against Kira is favourable.

Bad matchups are against aegis relic control based decks. Like Worldpyre and Poacher's Menagerie with backups. It could also fall shorthanded to combo decks if you dont have market access available early. Though you don't really see alot of those decks on ladder normally.

Hope you have some fun with it.



Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 4 3

Power Sources
11 17 14 16

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
9 14 29 7 16

Card Types
8 4 42 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Promises by Firelight [Set1007]
Bastion Rising [Set1097]
The Devouring [Set1145]
Separate Ways [Set1155]


September 10, 2024


Eternal Version
Separate Ways

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



alexjamen Eternal Version: 24.06.19
Just wanted to say I’ve been really enjoying the deck- so far have started the climb a couple days ago and am presently bronze 2. Only real issue is I think the deck struggles with speed sometimes bc of so many lands coming into play depleted. Still pondering if any other tweaks to be made with the mana base. Other then that, its an absolute blast to play, and I often visualize the other players asking themselves how they just lost with them at mana 6-7 and me at 15+ :). Thanks again for sharing the brew- would love to hear if you have any other updates!
Shikaya Eternal Version: 24.06.19
Heya mate,
Appreciate you playing the deck and glad you´re enjoying it!
The mana-base is definately a mini-game in itself. You have to keep track of your existing influence and what lands to play when. Try to remember that the cylixes comes into play untapped if you already got 3 influence of one of the factions. It´s really important to play an untapped power to either ramp or wipe to board depending on the matchup.
If you find yourself struggling there is an option to play 2x Mark of the Hive and 2x Mark of Skullhaven instead of the crests. It´s a change I've contemplated doing anyway if I´m up against a ton of aggro mainly.
Hope this helps.