The Vara animator is back, having a blast with it in throne, after the nerf of azindel, deck has put into a hiatus, but with the advent of the new card rat king, spawning 2 black units, vara is back in business, now the animator spell was even doubled with the new animator spell a life for life, deck has a few ways of filling your void with the sporefolk and malaise at early game and tavrod, to push the self mill in mid game while providing a defensive body on board, while also pushing in attack at the same time.. I still put azindel for good measure as he is good potential target also for your animation spell, which pretty cheats him out on a mid game, not sure much about the market, but seems pretty solid depending on the situation, please let me know if you made any changes on this, love to know your own version of it. I will spawn other splash color in the future, like maybe a sultai build well this one is pretty bonkers, I'm just afraid that if somebody took this to top tournament and mother vara would like get the nerf hammer again