The grindiest of grinds, but if you like a lifesteal, double damage, Makto that gets bigger each time it enters play, then this is the deck for you.
This deck has the ability to hang with almost any other deck out there. It's probably not a top tier masters list, but it has been consistently winning in masters for me. As always, I'm interested to hear what you think.
Some combos: Milos + Statuary Maiden = Huge board.
lifespeaker+display=your stuff is lifesteal
Milos + revenge= free buffs
Revenge+devour= fast speed blockers
Devour/combust+Hojan actually triggers reknown, you do get the sigil, assuming you have one left
Zuberi is a must kill, or he will just take over the game.
This deck is a blast to play, and is surprisingly resilient. It can blunt an aggro start, or grind out a control list.
It will have difficulty vs isomorphic-reanimator, though. It's a beatable match, but definitely not in your favor. I considered putting in the 3/5 that silences graveyards just for that matchup. If you're seeing a ton of reanimator, I would definitely tweak this list before running it.
Update: added ticktock and pared down the 4drop slot to be a tutor package with rise to the challenge. Had to lose devour and a madness, still testing out the interactions.
I have 5 smugglers. Two hidden road and 3 red canyon. Still too little?
I also think it might be good to drop Hojan for the 1drop revenge clockroach. More early defense, more revenge buff shenanigans. Also think that the deadly inspire guy might be worth a look. I’m also taking the cargo out of market and into main. I think that market slot should be the 1drop relic that seals graveyards. Not sure what to remove for the cargos or how
Many to put in.