My take on FTP, with a bias toward Skycrag (only 1T influence required).
I built the deck focusing on units that cost 4 to maximize the value when Kaleb recruits them, instead of pulling some low-cost chump. It's worth noting they all have enough health to survive our own Light the Beacon.
I specifically left out Apprentice Mage because I think it's a very vulnerable ramp card in the current meta. Not having a ton of ramp is fine though because the meat of this deck is at 4 power.
I included Longbow, which you don't see in most other FTP decks right now, because it benefits greatly from Kaleb's buff and there are enough big Aegis units being played in other decks it's good to have another option for units that are beyond Heavy Hail's reach.
The power selection looks like a strange mix, but I've tried to tune it so that we have balanced odds for hitting 3F, 2P and 1T, while also giving us the option to play Marks as non-depleted power rather than going more heavily into Seats.
The market selection is based around our different potential matchups: Formbend is to counter relic control decks. Beastly Disruption is to counter Shadow's Feed the Hecaton and Justice board wipes. Heavy Hail for Aegis matchups, and against aggro if we don't draw Light the Beacon. Mirror Image if we don't need any of the other market cards lets us not only clone any units that were buffed by Zuberi, but it lets us create endless Deeptrail Vanguards. As soon as Mirror Image copies a Vanguard, we can pull it back from the void. If we are at 6 power but low on cards we can play two Vanguards a turn and stall the board until we draw into a winning position. Elysian Cylix is there for some extra insurance against power screw.
Note about the sideboard: I had tested Wildfire Keeper in an earlier version of this deck and felt I didn't need it. Ignite, Heavy Hail, Krogar's Grave, and Light the Beacon all help us survive aggro. However, IF you are struggling with your aggro matchups you can swap in 4 copies of Wildfire Keeper and that gives a 3-cost 4/4 blocker that aggro can't remove without trading 2 cards into. To make space I would cut Nomnom & Sashenka down to 3 copies, Longbow down to 3 copies, and Collector Crow down to 2.