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Combraggro Soldiers

Expedition Deck By


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Main game plan:
Beat face with aggressive units and efficient tricks. If you haven't closed the game and need more oomph, the amplify package will knock your units a step above the opponents'. You always want to keep at least 2 power in your opener since that should get your feet off the ground, but 3 is optimal. Feel free to not use cards for their full advantage like Cast Out, Time Sketch, or Kanya, Ironthorn Envoy. It is usually more beneficial to present a board state than it is to gain value unless you know you can get away with it.

Market Plan:
Telekinetic Shackles is if you find yourself against the overloader combo. Fun fact, if you target them with it, they can't do any damage that turn. It's also decent as a combat trick or as a racing tool to fog their swing back attack.

Desert Marshal is a decent catch all catd that can solve some problems.

Javan, the Steel Crest is the card you pull when you truly need gas. Like utterly and truly out of cards and options. He will fill your board since almost every card is a hit with him.

Ayur, Ageless Behemoth is a tech choice in the current climate. If you're out of cards and you know they've been hanging onto an Exploit or Send a Message, you pull him in to bait it out. That or if you know you're playing against a send a message deck is always a fine choice because it turns their swing card into a detriment.

Supply Lines is the choice for when you've met board parity and need something to eventually break through. When you have a Bastion Garrison or used a Time Sketch it can progressively push your opponent out of the game. it is slow, so only pull it when you've got a stable board state.

If you need to budget out Kanya or Supply lines, Copperhall Elite and/or another Sharp Tactician can be a replacement for kanya. Supply lines can be traded out for a Talir, Timeless if you have one or a Behold the Truth for that boardstall push through. Argo Ironthorn is near impossible to replace due to how strong her swing is when played. But if you truly need to replace her, try Manacles.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
17 16 8

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Deck Rarities
8 29 20 1 8

Card Types
38 4 13 0 25

Aggro Midrange

May 26, 2021


Eternal Version

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