hello it is me, Eternion. today i got all the alt art seek powers in one 7-0 run, am currently sitting at rank 1. probably wont play further runs, so, here's the deck for you to enjoy farming those delicious xultan copies of Seek Power.
try to play entrancer turn 1, try to mulligan aggressively to shift bombs playable in the opener. i mulliganed down to 6 on the play and never looked back. reweave into ghar to silence enemy hand with 1drops played from entrancer/initiate. reweave bad highdrops for Nikos the Unifier to forcefuly emerge loyalist and secret weapon. bailiff can beat go wide aggro, stand can be a go wide combat trick + protect u from sweepers if you find any1 playing them (only 1 of my enemies were on unitless control... was very surprised to even see it, rly dont think its good)
purgedriver and the spot removal in the 3drop slots is for the potential mirror, but at the time of my run i saw literally no1 playing combrei shift. the only shift deck i faced was stonescar shift aggro.
this is the deck to beat.
The only games I lost where RNG didn't just hate me were hyper-aggro go-wide decks, against which Bailiff just doesn't do enough, even if you manage to draw him. I was also surprised how often Purgedriver was dead, maybe just RNG hating on me again.