Spell deck for spot removal on creatures, damage buffers and market for a double damage draw either combining off of the 6 drop clash of wills for a minimum of 8 damage or just dropping a single double damage torch with 1 buffer for 8 combos well against relic decks as the site has relic removal, and an answer to nearly everything, I’ve thought about putting backlash in at the cost of a 2 drop but haven’t seen the need been using the deck for a year and it’s relatively consistent just don’t be afraid to use depleted mana it’s a benefit and hold your spells early don’t just dump your hand into the opponent’s health spot remove creatures until your spells hit for 4 or 5 and then combo them down in a turn, I’ve seen lifesteal decks crumble to the strategy
*Decimation is a joke you’ll never need that 10 drop, you can swap it with anything, but please tag me if you ever get it to double damage AND USE IT