Let me introduce you to my latest creation- Empower OTK T/J Deck
As you can probabll tell, it's core is made of empower related cards that can do massive damage in no time such as Order of the Spire, cards that let you gain massive amounts of life like Royal Guardian and finally cards that let you make a lot of power(Marshal Ironthorn)
The strategy is simple:
1. Make sure you don't die to aggro decks by playing and using Sanctuary Priest, Rebuke, Healer's Cloak and Vital Arcana 2. Play a lot of power cards with these cards on board:
Marshal Ironthorn Order of the Spire Civic Peacekeeper 3. To make sure you have enough power and to buff your Order of the Spire even more you can play Minotaur Ambassador 4. If your opponent is playing control deck you might consider playing slowly and gaining as much life as you can with Belching Behemot, Royal Guardian, Sanctuary Priest, Healer's Cloak and Vital Arcana. Finally you can use Flight Lieutenant go around your opp's defense and just end the match
5. Additionally there's a Last Stand at the Gate if you'll get in to trouble with performing OTK before your opponent'll have opportunity to kill you. Remember to use it only in critical situation
I hope this deck will get you lots of wins in every mode
The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.