4f Control deck I've been messing around with for the past couple months. Manabase is a work in progress like always. Doing a bunch of retuning after I worked on my own TJP Control deck last month, and was asked to help with a groups TJP Control deck.
-Tweaked the manabase a bit, -1 Vestige +1 End of Days for the Warp value. Might change up the Market some, maybe a Market power and or swap out Sodi. I might be under picking her lately though. I'm thinking of trying a more unit-centric build with stuff like Carnosaur. I'll have to see how that looks in terms of the manabase, I'd have to swap the Echo unit to Sauropod. Still looking to heavily rework the duals to make the rolls off Seek Answers be more favorable to hitting Time. Kinda want more Merchants.