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Turbo Dredge UPDATED!

Throne Deck By


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Oh yeah, I found a new card for the list! Druid of the Sand! Hear me out. 4 Power to potentially get a Shoaldredger??? Valles Rex? Any unit except Clocktower??? Sign me up!! It is much safer than Dread since you can't respond to the Recruit. Needs more testing, but I played it on turn 4, chose Shoaldredger (which was 4 at the moment) draw Shoaldredger, he puts a unit into the void, reducing his cost to 3, COMING INTO THE BATTLEFIELD, BRINGING A DAWNWALKER WITH HIM!!! so strong, so much potential!! Druid is also easier on the influence requirements.

Bonus note: The life steal from Dread isn't that important, if the game goes past turn 6, we have probably already lost.

It's been a while since I've worked on a deck, and since Xenan Dredge was never that strong, I ended up moving away from it.
This deck started with the release of Injustice, and my first thought was to come back to Dredge, even though it took a while. I saw a list using Injustice to contribute to a West Wind Herald Combo, and I tried it in my Grixis List, but after dozens of games, I never saw the full combo DESPITE EASILY MILLING MYSELF 30 CARDS BY TURN 4. But I digress... Seeing how I was able to reliably mill myself for 20 or so cards, I was even more excited to come back to Xenan Dredge, and I have been tinkering and tinkering, and finally... I have a consistent list to present.

Some of the choices I've made in regards to older lists:
Fear: too slow, IMO, we have a power that mills us already, and without Katra, we don't really need to skew the power base...I know it fuels Valles, but with the sheer amount of cards this can dump, I have decided it's unnecessary.
Market: I have been playing with Condemn for a long time, and in slower lists, it can be helpful, but this list, IS NOT SLOW. I also have not run into any Gavels, but I would just count that as a loss, unless they are everywhere.
Sunset Priest: This is kind of here in place of Fear, but is a playable unit, and mills one extra. Also ticks Valles down with one turn of Clocktower.
Gravitur: I have always included this to pitch Clocktower primarily, and 2 is a good number.
Malaise: we are here to dump cards, and that is all. Malaise dumps cards, so it's here.
Dread: A card here for testing, the idea is that it can get back Shoaldredgers or Valles that have been dumped already, lifesteal, and counts towards Valles.
I am not entirely sold on Darkwater anymore through the dozens of games I have run, but the Regen can really save your life against Overwhelm.

Deck plays like the old lists, just throw everything into the void, there aren't too many decisions to make. Injustice OP. Enjoy!
Update: Just beat gavel by overwhelming units. Board wipes + Gavel will be a problem, but I haven't run into that yet.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 1

Power Sources
18 18 15 4

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
20 25 16 4 4

Card Types
38 0 12 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]
Valley Beyond [Set1125]


November 4, 2023

October 2, 2023


Eternal Version
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BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) November 4, 2023



opaopa13 Eternal Version: 23.12.06
This deck keeps pulling out fun wins for me. I had a game where I got off to a slow start, and my opponent managed to play Nothing Remains three times, along with an Auren Condemnation for a huge lifepoint swing in their favorite. The game had gone for 10 turns, and on their last turn, they had 3 separate 10/10 golems from Builder's Decree, facing down my Druid, Priest and Sporefolk. They used a card to reduce the toughness of all units, wiping my side, and then attacked in for 30 damage.

Except I played a topdecked Bone Music, blocking one of the golems and eating 20 damage, before swinging back against their defenseless board for 18, winning the game. Absolutely stole that victory out from under them.
Candy Eternal Version: 23.10.26
So after playing around with this for awhile, I sort of came to realize that for my matches, Druid of the Sands was not exactly doing that much, and that there's a lot of stuff at 1 Power that Condemn Could Fetch that really helped out with my matches going forward. Those cards are Dismantle Secret Passage Through The Unknown Turn For The Worse Xumuc Whisper.
chaostehjace Eternal Version: 23.11.09
That is fair, i had a good streak where Druid was pulling massive wins, but lately I feel like I need to change things around a bit again. It might be time to go back to having a market.
opaopa13 Eternal Version: 23.08.17
Been having a lot of fun with this deck. My most recent game saw me stuck at 2 max power (even after an Injustice) and facing down a 6/7 carrying a Vanquisher's blade and an 8/6 double damage flier. Didn't matter, ended up playing 2 Valles Rexes as ambushers and winning off the back of a Bone Music next turn. My game before that, everything lined up perfectly and I was able to play both a Shoaldredger and a Valles Rex on turn 3. Crazy how a deck that can happily spend its first few turns doing nothing but discarding cards can end up being so intensely aggressive!
chaostehjace Eternal Version: 23.08.17
That is excellent! I love comebacks like that with this list. I just had a game where I was struggling to hit double time, and opponent started playing big creatures, but I got a lot dumped into the void, and just attacked every turn until I won.
opaopa13 Eternal Version: 23.08.17
That's awesome.

I just had a game where I managed to play a Shoaldredger on my turn 3, a Valles Rex at the end of their turn 3, and then a Bone Music at the end of their turn 4. On my turn 5, I swung in with a 2/1 Vines, 8/8 Rex and two 15/2 maggots. Gotta give that one a "not bad".
martyvburen Eternal Version: 23.08.17
Not only is this hilarious and fun, it's winning! Big fan.
yardglass Eternal Version: 23.08.17
This deck is ridiculous. Ridiculous fun and strong too. Thanks for posting!
chaostehjace Eternal Version: 23.08.17
No problem! I just started climbing ranked with it as well. 2 losses out of 15 games isn't bad!
NixtheThird Eternal Version: 23.08.17
Just tried out this deck and I have to agree it’s pretty fun once you just start playing out massive nightmares for free after attacking in with no regards to blockers.
chaostehjace Eternal Version: 23.08.17
Yes! There ends up being some decisions to be made on rare occasions, but ultimately throw it all in the void. Even your 1/xs grow for Valles later on. My average game length is 5 turns.
NixtheThird Eternal Version: 23.08.17
I'm curious to see if you keep Dread in future iterations. I keep coming back to that as something I would like to change out, perhaps to something that brings out more units from the void, but not sure that is quite right, so I been keeping Dread in.
chaostehjace Eternal Version: 23.10.26
Replaced Dread with Druid of the Sands. Enjoy :)
NixtheThird Eternal Version: 23.10.26
That is a surprising direction, but it made a lot of sense once you broke it down! I’ll be trying that out for sure.
chaostehjace Eternal Version: 23.08.17
It is very solid in its slot, I wouldn't want more spells than I already have. I have used Vikrum, who has been insanely strong at times, but I wanted potential recursion. I've also tried Shadowland Keeper(?) The 3 drop thar brings a guy back, to get Valles or Shoaldredger late game, but I feel like I never got to use that utility.
martyvburen Eternal Version: 23.08.17
In the absence of a viable alternative to getting things out of the void, I think Dread is as good as anything else.