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Stonescar Syl Aggro

Expedition Deck By


Cost Curve




It seems there has not been much aggressive Stonescar on the field lately, probably due to the advent of dinosaurs. However, with the nerf of Nest and the addition of Suffocate, I wanted to see if it can be revived. I tried to fiddle around with it for a bit and it seems quite promising.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
19 14 8

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
21 22 12 6

Card Types
34 4 12 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Hour of Glass [Set1115]


March 7, 2022


Eternal Version
Valley Beyond

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



Bignatius Edited Eternal Version: 22.03.02
Hello Marten,

how are D'Angolo Houndmaster and League Explorer performing for you without the ability to discard or dump cards?

I played many games the Depth Charge did trigger only in a handful of games because I had still cards in my hand or they were destroyed or silenced before.
It seems for me that League Explorer is in 90% “only” a 2/2 haste with double fire requirement and I doubt that he is worth playing although the opponent must invest something to defuse the charges and unfortunately I do not have an idea with which card I would replace him.

I find that the D'Angolo Houndmaster suffers the same issue albeit I see that his ability still offers enough late game potential even without the ability to dump cards and in contrast to League Explorer he can survive combat in the early turns due to quickdraw and valor more often.
I think he is not super stellar but I do not find a better card for him so I would keep him.

What are your thoughts and experiences with them?

Best regards
Marten Eternal Version: 22.03.02
Hi. It is indeed as you say that their power level went down quite considerably compared to what they used to be pre-Cold Hunt, but they still seem to be the next best 2 drops available for an aggro deck like this. If in doubt, you can still go with Kazuo instead of one of those which you find worse, as he can get buffed by playing Bow in here. As for my experiences, however, I still think that Houndmaster won me quite a lot of games anyway and having Depth Charges silenced is not really the worst thing that can happen, since you are making your opponent overspend power on Noble, who is killed quite easily by anything in this deck.
poGDI Eternal Version: 22.03.02
I can just agree on this one, Houndmaster is doing some good job in this deck. It's better than the Explorer in my mind, there is so much face Aegis going around so it does not do that much damage but still a 2/2 charge does some work vs many decks.