Hey guys so I'm probably going to put way too much effort into breaking first flame. There seem to be a few ways to play him on turn 5 and I'm determined to figure out which can be the most consistent. Dramatist's mask is an interesting idea to try after this but I think the idea is too weak to removal. time will tell tho :)
I'v substituted Infernous for first flame, kaleb's choice for rindra's choice and suffocate for magenta wisp as they are not in the deck builder yet.
The dream combo is to play nocturnal observer on 4 with first flame and grasping at shadows in hand. On 5 you discard first flame and revive with with grasping at shadows triggering the tribute on first flame and letting you attack for 15! :) You can also just reanimate first flame on a turn it wasn't discarded still good, and you can still use magenta wisp or attacks to trigger the tribute. This deck doesn't really want to play first flame from hand, but we play a lot of removal so getting up to 11 isn't impossible.