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The Big Ouch

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




This is a casual deck that tries to get Geminon's Mastery off with Socrato, Furyheart.

It's only worked one time for me so far, but it was cool.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2 3

Power Sources
15 15 17 19

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
12 25 28 6

Card Types
17 7 27 1 28

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Trials of Grodov [Set1006]

Combo Midrange

November 20, 2019


Eternal Version
The Flame of Xulta

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



Shadowcran Edited Eternal Version: 1.47.9
Want it to hit often? Multi damage spells. Hailstorm and Lightning Storm... I was against a cultist deck with Geminon in play, through various ways I'd gotten it to 49, then noticed my Hailstorm. I waited til drawing another and with a full board almost(on both sides) used both, killing many on both sides but more than putting the 100 up there. Perhaps combine it with grenadin or something disposable?
Nazanir Eternal Version: 1.47.8
I've never messed with Geminon before, but since it counts all damage: Does it mean all damage YOU do? Including damage you do to your own units? And does the condition trigger as you reach 100 damage, or does Geminon HAVE to attack for it to trigger?
Twinhex Edited Eternal Version: 1.47.8
It means all damage done by anything. Your units, their units, spells, nightfall, emblems, socrato...and no attack required. Also update: in one v fun game I had two geminon go off at the same time( due to mirror image) but the 200 damage was negated by a clutch face aegis the turn before they popped. So that’s two times this has ‘worked’!
Nazanir Eternal Version: 1.47.8
So if it counts ALL damage, regardless of who deals it, then it sounds like Geminon shouldn't be too hard to trigger? For example, I am kind of guessing that Socrato is there to boost the numbers?

So mostly, this deck becomes about stalling till you hit the magical 100 and then drop him? Because it does make him fun to make a deck around.
daynejr Eternal Version: 1.47.8
Gemnion needs to be in play before Mastery starts counting
Nazanir Eternal Version: 1.47.8
Ahh, that would explain why this card isn't more popular. Thanks for clarifying.