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Unseen Hero

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




The general idea of this deck is based around Unseen Commando and Hero of the People. I thought, why not just add a ton of support/toolbox-type units that can generously donate their battle skills onto our intrepid Hero? A majority of the units in this deck have lifesteal. So, even if you never hit a single Hero of the People, the deck can still hold its own quite well.

Lots of cheap targeted removal, so that I can pop Aegis on high-value targets and then Slay or Deathstrike them, if the need arises. Black Sky Harbinger is great against Grenadin AND high-aegis decks. I like Permafrost against Argenport revenge/echo type strategies, as it usually leads to them having to Harsh Rule just to get them off the board and into circulation. Added in Steward of the Past and Kothon, the Far Watcher at the last second, since I realized Deadly and Endurance weren't represented in the deck.

At the upper end of the spectrum, after Hero drops on board, are several legendaries and promos I had in my collection, each with a pair of useful varied battle skills to help Hero upsize, protect (aegis), and evade(unblockable), all while gaining tons of health.

The other half of the deck's namesake, Unseen Commando, I usually don't drop until I have a decent board presence, as he technically comes down with several attack worth of charge from all other onboard units. He never even needs to attack, himself, but obviously, when the time comes, he's still a decent flying beater.

So far, I've been hitting around 85% WR with this deck over the 12 games I've played (including a win just now over a mono-Shadow dedicated removal deck), but I think the deck needs something else. I'm not 100% certain what, but I'm very open to suggestions of cards that maybe I just didn't know existed. Vara seems OK, but I think I'd rather top out at 6 than 8. I'm also running 26 sigils - should I just go ahead down to 25, since I'm running 3 Seek Power and 2 Vara's Favor? I can't think of any good 1 or 2-of relics for Bartholo to search up, which seems like slightly wasted potential. Please help!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2

Power Sources
14 11 13 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
13 28 12 2 10

Card Types
31 3 15 0 26


January 19, 2018


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

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Revisions (Since last major patch) January 19, 2018



SilentNSly Eternal Version: 1.27
I like the epic cards you added to this deck. I wish I had those.

Have you considered Haunting Scream? You can use it to get Hero of the People back, and then play Piercing Grief to make your hero come back later.

I am playing around with this deck Unseen Commando and Hero of the People too, but I also added red and for Rakano Outlaw, Whirling Duo and Renegade Valkyrie.
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