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Rakano Gunslinger

Throne Deck By


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Hi guys!

Well, to start I need to tell you that I'm very frustrated with myself, since launching Set 3 I've been trying to run a Gunslinger list based on the Oni Quartermaster draws and the new weapon, Hideout Pistol, but to no avail, maybe not yet I have the Stellas and I do not have full confidence to craft them, since if it turns out to be only on a Gunslinger deck, then it becomes a limited legend, so I started searching the Rakano lists on the site, which I liked the most in this new formatting was the ManuS list, but still it did not please me completely, so go to the test drawing board and see what it gives.

The initial list that I worked on did not have 4 Plates and also did not have the Milos, but as I opened one of them in the pack I decided to craft the other one and test that way, let's get some explanations.

Copperhall Marshal - I just love this card, on Turn 3 we have many options, but the effect of stuning before attacking is very relevant to being ignored, you remove a blocker and still leave it without a creature to attack you the next turn, not I can mount a Gunslinger with less than 3 copies of it on the deck.

Whirling Duo - initially was not giving much credit to this card but it really makes a good difference on the deck with this aggro footprint, maybe 4 is a lot but how it has worked for me I'm keeping that number.

Hellfire Oni - another reason that made me want to play with the deck, this effect is insane on a deck like the Gunslinger, doubling a Plate causes a scary and devastating effect if it is not answered quickly, a katana by buying 2 cards in the late game may be what lack to seal the victory, Scepter also causes a very worrisome effect for the opponent, in short, are good reasons to have it on the list, maybe reduce to 2 in the future but certainly not less.

Cards that have been left out but deserve future attention:

Unseen Commando - I saw this card in a list of RNG (I think of Calimdir), it seems promising, I still intend to test it.

Stella, the Shotcaller - a card that I want to test but in another type of Gunslinger, more midrange like Lawgiver's list - Rakano Gunners

Jekk, Hunted Fugitive - Surely this is a card that would fit well on a deck WeaponStorm style but I do not know if it's worth the slot because it's very expensive, even for midrange, and does not do anything when it comes in, more like I do not have the card I can't speak clearly about it.

Well, for now that's it, as soon as I have more results or the cards to assemble the Gunslinger Midrange I go back to the drawing board, the deck is a variation of the traditional aggro rakans abusing the new mechanics of the Gunslinger, simple aggresive and deadly as ever, I hope you enjoy and have fun with the deck.

See you around!

Sorry for bad English, blame the Google Translate!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
14 15 8 4

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Deck Rarities
21 27 13 3

Card Types
27 13 10 0 25


December 26, 2017

November 8, 2017


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

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Revisions (Since last major patch) December 26, 2017



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