Might of the Bastion is not a good card. For the memes though, I decided to give it the best shot it has at being viable:
-Lots of Grenadins: By far the best section of MotB is its 3 damage, and that's not good. Sticky grenadins ensure you'll almost always be granted this section of the card, and it can remove quite pesky 3/3s on the board
-2-drop Sentinels: I don't know for the life of me why ramp is tied to the tribe that usually NEEDs ramp to come out, but with Empire of Glass's cheap red Sentinel lineup, they can help out where the deck needs it. Also benefits the general "go wide" strategy this deck consists of otherwise.
-Midrange Soldiers: Didn't have an excellent pick for Soldiers in red, but
Mercenary Vanguard and
Midchief Salus do well enough when other things are developed. Stonescar is the only two-faction combo that has good reps from all five tribes here, I've checked.
-Mandrakes with Regen: Mandrakes run into the same problem here, but the ones in this deck are small and unassuming enough to survive until they can draw a card for you. Drawing cards is great at any point in the game, so I could afford not to clog up my 4-slot even further.
-Valkyries in the Back: Another example of the tribes being misaligned with their effects, the most chump-blocky tribe gives armor. Oh well,
Metalfang brings out more Grenadin and can close games out that go for too long. (and turn 6-7
is too long in this deck).