Get Talir from the market, discard Talir with Herbalist, chump with Aurelian Merchant, Grasp on Talir, Dark Return on Merchant getting Voda, draw the whole deck, trigger Katra a bunch, get SSF from the market and play it, make giant overwhelm killers for lethal.
Can combo off on turn 5 with a good draw.
Thanks to NEETKay for his deck
Infinite Talir Means to an End which this is based off of.
Version 2:
Destiny Combo: Lifeforce Edition
During the combo when you have to sac because your board is full, don't sac Wisps or it will take longer. Also don't sac Herbalists because you need them to trigger Katra at the end.
The most important card for the combo is Aurelian Merchant because it can get
Talir, Who Sees Beyond.
Dark Return and
Grasping at Shadows are not necessary, but they make the combo cost much less.
UPDATE: I just decked myself so bad xD How do you get the Overwhelm units you mentioned after using SSF?
But who wouldnt want to ride it just once? Why would us?
Because its simply fun. Its the joy of accomplishing that final piece of the puzzle, that rush into the final ride of adrenaline, to be able to see the face of our oponnent has he realizes he has no possible escape... Yes, eventually it will become a boring combo or if its simply broken, it will get nerfed so it stays out of competitive gaming but you will never forget the first time you pulled it off.
This deck is the reason why there are people still playing CCG's on a non-competitive basis, it's because we just love out of ordinary interactions, and its really sad to see someone to come here just to input such negative comments because they dont understand the essence of that love for the game. That actually only blurs oneself image and credit.
Thanks for this awesome deck Aetherllama
as I said, you can just attach a 1-2 hour video where you play with your decks in the ladder, it will exhaust all questions and distrust from my side. anyone can make an account on YouTube.
But hey, what good would a CCG be if everyone likes the same decktypes? I wouldn't like mirroring all the time. And when you want to play a fastpaced aggrodeck, there ain't no problem. And even if you use this as a WARNING TO NEWER PLAYERS (don't just call them noobs), remember that this deck cost 45 k dust. No newer player will use all his resources for a deck like this, and even if they do, they got a lot of good cards out of it. Seriously, I say that it won't be to hard to convert this deck to a relatively good Lifeforce-deck cutting Talir and Vodakhan and maybe the Voices, adding some Katras and some other good lifeforce cards. Yes, It may not be super viable in the high-ladder environment, but it ain't to bad.
I like Magus of Celerity in the market as suggested. Any thoughts on Lumen Reclaimer in the market as well for some protection against decking, or is that not a concern?
One of my goals is to play as few bad cards to enable the win as possible. Katra, Hesitate, and SSF all have some use outside the combo.
I wonder if a Magus of Celerity in the market would be a good Charge enabler too.