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Elding & Friends (30-10, League #27)

Event Deck By


Cost Curve




Wheee, this was a fun month. Opened Elding of the Final Hour week 1 and built a FJS Sacrifice deck, and stuck with it throughout pretty much the entire month, swapping the Fire for Primal in week 4 due to better fixing. Overall record was 30-10, going 8-2 or 7-3 each week, for a final placing of rank #27 as of this writing (although it will probably slip a bit).

Week 1, I was carried by Elding, Waxing Moon, and Metalfang, all of which are fantastic cards. Sharp Tactician and Nectar of Unlife were the other highlights - overall, the card quality was quite solid, and Elding gave the deck a strong direction.

Week 2 didn't bring much, but Silverwing Commander and Smuggler's Stash were solid additions, plus improving my market. Week 3 brought Cold Hunt cards, including Zido, Cabal Housecat, who was sacrificed to Elding... many times.

Week 4 brought more Cold Hunt cards, including Sweet Dreams, Lord Thudrock, and Iadria, Twisted Brewer. At this point, I noticed that I had two copies of Feln Tome and zero fixing for Fire, so I decided to swap the color of my splash. I ended up not running Iadria - double influence is a bit much - but the smoother fixing did feel like a good call, even if the added cards were weaker than Metalfang.

Overall, a solid run. Definitely lost a fair number of games due to dodgy fixing - it is a three-faction deck, after all - but card quality felt solid, and Elding felt quite busted when properly supported.

Unsung hero: Medibot Station - provided two bodies for Elding. Did you know that you can also sacrifice relics to him? I did not (prior to playing this deck), and neither did most of my opponents.

Event Information

League - Chapter 60: Cold Hunt
November 1-30, 2021
November 2021 Sealed League


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2

Power Sources
6 4 7 2

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
20 12 5 1

Card Types
18 5 12 0 15


November 28, 2021


Eternal Version
Cold Hunt

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