So, instead of net-decking from ManuS and the like, I wanted to try making my own little rogue brew. Ever since I got
Aeva, Eilyn's Elite in my first FOA packs, I've wanted to see what I could make out of her. This little brew centers around Aeva and
Wild Cloudsnake, with the not-so-good removal available to Primal. Right now, it's good enough for Casual, but not ready for prime time. Also,
Acquisitive Crow is so much fun when it gets going.
Possible updates:
Ice Sprite: For a little more tempo/removal, but it's so fragile and underpowered that it's not worth it at the three-drop slot, at least for me.
Advance Scout: I'm on the fence with this one, could replace Crow. It's a nice effect, but not sure it's any better than Crow at the slot.
Thunderbird: Aegis is nice. Maybe, if I keep getting
Torched and
Slayed out of games.
Breeze Dancer: This would be nice, but it's legendary, and there are so many more legendaries I want to craft before this.
Let me know what you think! This may end up being more of a Gauntlet deck than actual Standard.