Man I am not happy that Elding completely dodged the first round of nerfs for this set. That ability needs to be SSSS at least. Or cost 2. Or something. Too close to the tournament? Guess we'll have to deal with this deck comprising the Throne meta for another week.
EDIT: This deck has been nerfed! Thank the lord! And no, I won't take credit for suggesting the 2-cost addition ;)
Oh I get it! It's cuz he has stealth!
I hope you don't value DWD's pocketbooks over the health of the game. The game which is the major arm of their business, unless there's a huge majority of Clank! fans I don't know about. If the quality of Eternal dips, people leave. That's much worse for business.
Occultist is unusable in turn 3. In menace. Skycrag (the faction it was intended for as described in the patch notes, has absolutely no problem getting FFPP by turn 3. Hell, the expedition powerbase manages that much. Interesting how when actually nerfing a menace-exclusive strategy, now DWD is not making the right decision.
Combrei Suppressor Aggro has +6 and 1500+ views. People hate Elding. It is making the game worse.