A sacrificial deck based on
Bloodrite Kalis
Induce Madness is really good to pair with Kalis to force opponent to sacrifice their own units. If you have
Induce Madness placed on them, once you play
Bloodrite Kalis, most of the time, they have to clear their own board too. So it will be a big Kalis hit straight to the face without blockers stopping you. Even if their units have aegis, it won’t be stopped to be sacrificed.
Flamekeeper provides overwhelm for
Bloodrite Kalis to hit through small blockers to end the game, if fighting against aggro.
Kato, Arena Herald and
Uldra, Veilripper really fit well here.
1) If the board has
Kato, Arena Herald, if your void already has more than 12 units, if you have at least 5 mana while playing Kalis (3 mana), you can use the remaining 2 mana to summon a big 8/8 Giant on the board at the same time of playing Kalis.
2) if the board has
Vishni, Lethrai Highblood and
Uldra, Veilripper, while you play Kalis, you can immediately resummon a board full of Vishni's minions.
Crack the Earth is fantastic because i think 3-cost merchant cards are costly and it breaks the tempo to summon small units to crowd the board to allow big Kalis. And together with
Display of Destruction, these two cards create Cultist and that will let you bargain
Ark of Sol out directly from market. remember to keep a 2-mana spared to play Ark of Sol to ramp further.
Kalis is actually my stall and alternate win condition with waystone giving inevitability. Curious as to why you cut it.
You're right though about the waystone being clunky. All the relic destruction and hero aegis makes the waystone even more clunky beyond the cost.
I do like the inevitability of it but an overwhelmed Kalis is even better. I'll keep it around but maybe try iterating on this pure Kalis deck to see if I can think of anything better.
What are your thoughts about unkindness?
For me it was a bit to early tempo and also insurance against a board wipe (since that usually doesn't involve them playing a unit) and frankly was one of the few ways I could play 3 units for 1 card