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[Masters] Exp FTS Strangers

Expedition Deck By


Cost Curve




Very fun deck to play, great in long games with 3 Curtain Call and 3 Shavka's Stranger, which is likely the deck's MVP.

The market feels very solid. Basically 4 2-cost removal spells, and Dracoshaman Circlet to close out games and get value.

I went with 3 Vara's Choice and 3 Deathstrike main, and it seems to pretty good for removal. Fast removal with Deathstrike that can kill anything, and Vara's Choice to be able to hit the hand early and silence threats like Icaria, First Reaper.

Strange Gladiator helps take care of relics, Covetous Stranger and Grodov's Stranger help draw cards, Magnificent Stranger lowers costs, and Shavka's Stranger really can turn games around QUICKLY, especially after turn 4 Traver's Farm into turn 5 Grodov's into turn 6 Shavka's.

Blightmoth does what Blightmoth does, and Auralian Supplier chips in with drawing cards as the only non-Strangers.

Hope y'all enjoy =)

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2

Power Sources
10 16 14 15

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
8 29 22 4 7

Card Types
28 1 22 4 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Whispers of the Throne [Set1085]
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]


October 23, 2020


Eternal Version

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



Arcengal Eternal Version: 20.10.06
Hey there, just got Master with this deck after a long, painful month of losing with every other list I played. I changed a few cards:
-2 Shavka's Stranger, +2 Makkar's Stranger
-1 Touch of Battle, -1 Dracoshaman Circlet, +1 Wyatt's Junkyard, +1 Severin of the Dark

Thanks for the list. :D
detrickster Edited Eternal Version: 20.10.06
After losing to this deck twice in a row by two different opponents, apparently I have to give this a try... :P
Curious why there is not at least one Makkar's Stranger in this? One of each Praxis Vow and Stonescar Vow might also be useful.
Arcengal Eternal Version: 20.10.06
I cut two Shavka's Strangers for two Makkars and haven't looked back. Being able to tutor for the one-of Shavka's is still very much worth it though.
I feel like the market could be better (there's currently zero ways in it to kill Rolant, for example) but I haven't got to that part of experimenting yet.