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Big(ger) Elysian Pledge Ramp

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




Deck I've theory brewed since the bear announcement and have been testing.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
19 18 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
18 22 15 4 12

Card Types
28 9 15 3 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Homecoming [Set1005]

Combo Midrange

April 23, 2019


Eternal Version

BBCode For Comments

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BillCosbatron Edited Eternal Version: 1.45.7
Great list, mine came pretty close except I splashed shadow for Xenan Temple in the place ofXenan Initiation, Vara, Vengeance-Seeker because it's busted especially with Bear Guard Bayonet and a few more crests. Honestly not worth it.

I found that putting Eternity Core in main deck proved a lot more useful in the place of Call for Aid seeing as Mokhnati, Restored is better with an empty hand. Hope this helps.

After replacing Call to Aid with Eternity Core I put Accelerated Evolution in the market. As a tech against the Aniyah, Arctic Sheriff's I've been coming up against.
Also after you get off an empower from Pit of Lenekta it can create two 8/8's with flying as you will be around 9 or 10 power. Merchant + two Accelerated Evolutions = 9 power for surprise lethal.

Finally I replaced Initiate of the Sands with 2xFind the Way and 2xGreat Valley Smuggler as Stonescar aggro & AP midrange is becoming popular again meaning Vara's Favour is very common.
WesternCancer Eternal Version: 1.45.7
Yeah, I started with just an Elysian base and I'm working my way to different iterations. Huh, surprised you weren't happy with Vara. Going Auralian is my next step after I finish up Mono-Time.

Evolution is an interesting choice, I think I'd like that but I'd have to try it. Going Merchant-->Core is very strong, I'll have to see if the protection from Aniyah or other stun affects is worth it. I can see it also being helpful with all the big bodies that don't have Overwhelm. Interesting idea.

Yeah, I play a ton of ramp decks and depending on the Meta Initiate/Maker can be super fragile. If I was cutting Initiate Stone could be an option to go Stone-->Core. You happy with 2x FtW? I could see it being good with more Merchants here but I'd have to run some numbers on the ramp in the deck.

You liking Crown and Arcanum? I've thought about cutting Arcanum, I'm not sure how much I like it still. I'm loving Crown, but if I ran GVS I'm wondering if it'll be better in the market. Having multiple copies out is super funny though because it messes up the board for your opp so much lol.

Sorry for the late reply. I'm always open to hearing suggestions or tweaks since I jump around a ton with brews.
BillCosbatron Edited Eternal Version: 1.45.7
There is definitely a good Aurelian list to come out of this, my versions so far just haven't been very competitive lol.

I've cut arcanum and crown down to 2 offs, they are very clunky when you draw two too early in a game, especially since adding eternity core as that is the ideal turn 4 play. Charge on a 7 power Mokhnati is insane enough that I keep arcanum. It also turns the glasshoppers in to better lumen defenders which most of the time can keep me and the site alive long enough to summon talir.or a discounted 7+ drop.

And I'm going to fiddle around some more to try and fit power stone in because you're right, the high-roll potential of stone ---> core is massive. It also validates GVS in the list some more. Find the way might have to go.

I wouldn't bother with crown in market, it isn't critical to the game plan of the deck and the current market choices are more valuable imo. Although might try disjunction to passage of eons for the rat cage and 'secret xenan aggro' matchups. (If you're liking crown I made this deck recently Consider yourself Swindled).

Im happy enough you bothered to reply, no worries about it being late
WesternCancer Eternal Version: 1.45.7
I think I like your changes with Crown and Arcanum so I'm gonna give that a try over the next couple days until the next set drops along with the other things you said.
BillCosbatron Eternal Version: 1.45.7
Here is the list with the changes Big Elysian