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Infiltrate value/combo

Throne Deck By
Eternal Titans


Cost Curve




Check out the newest variant of this deck: Infiltrate Combo 2

This is a combo deck built around West-Wind Herald.

Combo 1:
Iceberg Scattershot + West-Wind Herald + Mirror Image => fill the board with heralds
Combo 2:
West-Wind Herald + Cabal Spymaster + Calderan Gunsmith + Mirror Image => fill the board with gunsmiths

Copy spells do nothing if you have a full board. Once you fill the board with heralds, you want to followup by either playing a Calderan Gunsmith or taking Kaleb's Choice from the market.

An example of a quick game:
Play Jennev Merchant on turn 3
Opponent kills the merchant.
Play Iceberg Scattershot on 4
Opponent kills scattershot.
Turn 5:
Play Haunting Scream, get Iceberg Scattershot. Play Kindle. Play West-Wind Herald. The herald plays Kindle. Play Mirror Image on the herald 10 times, then have the herald play Haunting Scream. Scream the merchant, take Kaleb's Choice from the market, and pass turn.

Card Usage
- Kindle and End of the Barrel allow you to play an infiltrate enabler and the herald on the same turn, and they can also be played from the void with West-Wind Herald in order to play even more cards in the same turn.
- Jennev Merchant can find combo pieces. I often start by taking Mirror Image from the market, and then play Mirror Image on the merchant in order to take West-Wind Herald from the market.
- Chairman's Contract sometimes enables tribute and sometimes discards units or spells that you can play from the void with Haunting Scream or West-Wind Herald.
- Haunting Scream can either play Gorgon Fanatic to draw 3, resurrect Iceberg Scattershot for a combo turn, play a merchant in order to get something from the market, play Cabal Spymaster in order to refresh your infiltrate abilities, or play a unit whose cost was reduced by Quarry.

- A good opening hand has all three colors of influence, and some form of card draw or card selection. Having a merchant is very good.
- Against control decks you can sometimes win by just attacking with and copying merchants.
- Against most decks, a single Strength of the Pack on a West-Wind Herald is usually good enough.
- In some situations you can play Iceberg Scattershot or West-Wind Herald and hope it will survive a turn. In other situations you will want to hold both in hand until you can play them on the same turn.
- Be aware of enemy face-aegis or fast removal.
- When you see a warp card on top of your deck you can choose to play or not play crests and Chairman's Contract depending on whether or not you want the card.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3 1

Power Sources
13 13 9 14 4

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
14 28 27 6

Card Types
22 0 33 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


October 4, 2018

September 4, 2018


Eternal Version
Into Shadow

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) September 15, 2018



Shaqsquatch Edited Eternal Version: 1.38
Just built this morning and having a blast so far. Wondering if adding Hotblood Barbarian and/or Back-Alley Delinquent might help to get some early board presence and get some of the big spells into the void asap (not to mention extra Tribute trigger options)? The only time I've felt stuck so far is when I'm sitting with combo pieces ready to go but no worthwhile spell in the void yet. Herald's Song could fill a similar purpose.

I'm also playing around with the idea of throwing some Decimates in for some guaranteed kills, but that might be overkill.
Almost Eternal Version: 1.38
Nocturnal Observer and Crunch, the Hoarder are other good ways to discard expensive things or enable tribute. The current list is quite weak to aggressive fire decks and the Delinquent would help with that, but those decks aren't too popular at the moment compared to all of the time decks.