...But I was asked to do it, and it is done. It wins games and it loses games. But when it wins, it wins in spectacular fashion.
Supply Lines is a card you hate to play but love to win with it. Ramp up to it with
Initiate of the Sands,
Dran the Farmer, and
Tocas, Waystone Harvester.
Moldermuck is good at spitting out blockers without Supply Lines and bigger dudes with it.
Hive Queen Uther is here to spit out two fliers and the life gain.
Ravid, Insect Master is good for units and with
Riftfeeder Wasp.
Saber-Tooth Prideleader and
Display of Realities are there for pesky relic decks.
Tight-Lipped is to counter the discard decks. Always a good time when someone plays
Exploit on you just after you play Tight-Lipped and there's the hesitation from your opponent as though, "What just happened."
The market is kind of standard for me.
Gnash, Desert Prince to ward off fliers.
Banish is good removal.
End Of An Era is good against aggro and the FTJ relic decks.
Sword of Unity for more lifegain. Who doesn't like lifegain?
Ziat's Triumph is the dream. You've miraculously got one or two Supply Lines on board and then drop Triumph and suddenly, your board is filled with progressively bigger dudes.
Anyway... This is a fun deck, not necessarily a good deck. Though I'm 9-4 at the moment. Enjoy!