Had a lot of fun with IronTide's
Jarrall Garden deck (check out their awesome write-up) last month and decided to build my own more aggresive version inspired by the recent success of Doc28's and other's
Elysian Spells lists.
And turns out having a good aggro matchup coupled with cheap threats gives good results!
We play removal control vs the numerous Yetis and Kiras of the Throne Masters ladder while trying to get under the various greedy control and midrange lists with negates and burn. Big Stonescar just hate seeing Helios come down. And be wary, Sling's a hard, albeit unpopular, matchup, gotta hope they don't have the nuts!
Feel free to cut the Incursion by the way, deck's moderately cheap if you have the Awakening campaign.
Posting this before I burn all of my rank again.
Thanks to Kal for telling me to add the Smugglers and advocating Wisdom over Strategize superiority, and Jedi for the encouraging words.
Let me know what you think!