Update to the Twist It midrange version. The nerfs to Moonstone Vanguard forced some adaptation, and instead the deck has taken on a form I actually prefer to the previous one.
Having your TT 2-drop be
Teacher of Humility instead of Temple Scribe is a huge boon. Teacher can end games by connecting. The lifegain proc from Scribe is never relevant, even if you have a Katra out, plus the statline is completely moppy.
The real upgrade to the deck is the addition of
Cursed Prophet Deleph. Having a card to give the deck raw cards helps with market food. The card is great in stalled boards and with
Xenan Temple. The downside is almost never relevant enough to matter, and Tocas gives the deck ways to ramp into the expensive cards Deleph gifts.
Overall, the deck has performed really well for me. Highly recommended.