This has been my most consistent performer so far (won the first 7 straight gauntlets) - Moldermuck adds so much value. He can be used to stall out aggro decks to great effect. Armory/killer units are really stupid against Moldermuck, and love to kamikaze him while he survives by making a baby muck. And if you can keep him alive long enough to pull supply lines, it usually ends in an overwhelming flood of giant mucks to end the game.
The main market draws are still Grodov's burden and Gnash, but the addition of Moldermuck gives this deck more options to play with.
The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
It could probably go either way. I've been playing initiate because the AI won't attack into her with some scary 1 health units (e.g. Champion of Fury), which can sometimes mean the difference in being able to stabilize vs aggro. Logistics expert would definitely be more useful mid-late game since you can gain a lot of power very quickly, and use that to make her an actual threat instead of a useless 1/1, but by that time the game is usually essentially over already.