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Run of the Mill

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The thrill of the mill has been an unattainable goal for Eternal players up until now. With Solitude and Dreamsnatcher it is at least a possibility, if but a slim one. But we control players are always prepared to take one for the team and suffer through another aggrofest for the hope of reaching the sacred place.

What is a milling deck you might ask? It is an archetype which got its name from the Magic card Millstone, which takes cards from the players deck and puts them in their graveyard. A milling deck can also make the opponent overdraw, forcing them to discard excess cards. You win by milling the opponents deck to zero cards left. The typical Magic milling deck plays a lot of milling cards, but Eternal hasn't really had any to speak of until now.

Here these two new miller thrillers have been added to their lonesome buddy Fallen Oni. Mulligan hard for him (trust me) and try to get the Oni resurrection shenanigans going through Shadowlands Guide, Dark Return and eventually Vara, Fate-Touched. Bring fresh Onis into play with Crownwatch Press-Gang, wipe with Harsh Rule and begin anew. Dreamsnatcher buys you time as a good lifegaining blocker that grows through each Oni. Late game he becomes a milling powerhouse and/or mega-lifegainer when you super saiyan him with a 15-card Solitude.

The idea is to slow the opponent down enough by milling away their creatures (and thus impacting their draw) for you to set up Black Iron Manacles and finish with a large Solitude or two. A key thing to remember is to chump with your Onis, or even better Devour them while blocking. You want them in the graveyard so they can be resurrected and mill some more. Also, always target Shadowlands Guide with your Dark Return or Vara if you have Oni in the graveyard.

Is it fun? Lots, if you're into weird durdly stuff. Milling adds a threat axis of its own and makes card draw problematic for your opponent, especially with Manacles out. Fallen Oni can be delightfully annoying when it hits creatures boosted by war cry or those that have been put on top of a deck to be echoed. Once you get the Oni cycle going you can really slow down a lot of decks as well.

Is it any good? Not really. The engine is a bit too clunky still and needs additional supporting cards from future sets. Run of the mill, but that’s how we chill.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 2 3

Power Sources
12 14 18 19

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Deck Rarities
27 16 20 6

Card Types
18 4 28 0 25


January 11, 2018

December 20, 2017


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

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RevJeckel Eternal Version: 1.27
This deck is fun, and effective! You would not believe the amount of people that just surrender after the Oni's hit a few time!

Silences do hurt though especially on the Oni's so careful of that not to mention Steward of the Past
Illuminum Eternal Version: 1.27
I am glad you liked it! It can be surprisingly effective against many decks, provided you get the Oni-machine rolling. Once you are in this position, one Dreamsnatcher activation and one Solitude is often enough to deck out your opponent. I still like the Manacles though, especially for longer grindy games or against Temporal Control (a deck that couldn't care less about the Onis).