This is a Scream deck. In TPS.
Why on earth would someone do this?
Basically, with just a Time splash for Dread, it'd be pretty good. But throw in Crown, and the ability to look for it with Display, and this goes off the rails really fast.
With a Crown or two, and two Dreads floating back and forth, you'll get all kinds of crazy shenanigans. Anytime you draw a unit from the void, you'll get more abilities. 7/8 Deadly, Lifesteal, Echo, Destiny, Charge, Flying Varas? No problem. Dread with Double Damage, Quickdraw, Overwhelm, Lifesteal, Charge? You bet. **Slaps hood of deck** This baby can fit so many skills!
Don't underestimate the power of recursion on
Jennev Merchant. You draw cards from the Market, so tossing a unit in there early, then recurring the Merchant to get it back later just adds skills to it.
Update 12/21/2018: So turns out that Lifespeaker and Clockroach were entirely not necessary. So dropped them, added some more removal, and trimmed a little fluff for some Temple Scribes for card draw. Gotta figure out how to beat Justice's three hit anti-Scream combo:
Adjudicator's Gavel,
Vanquisher's Blade, and
Update 12/22/2018: Upgraded the removal suite a little, dropped the Scribes (we have plenty of draw without them), and Added
Alhed, Mount Breaker to close out tough games and/or punch through beefy dudes.I think we're getting close to a ladder viable deck.
Sidenote on Mulligans: If you're probably facing any kind of aggro deck, keep anything with a decent amount of removal. You'll be casting those constantly and your units don't really help until the recursion is ready. So keep those frosts, banishes, and Annihilates to get rid of the threats until you start Vara-ing or Dread-ing.
Game 2: EXACT SAME THING, 2 Crowns, 7 power ZERO creatures. Turn 8 I fraw my first dude which of course dies instantly. Not enough creatures for all the tricks in this deck maybe?