Why dark chalice over TJP? With the significant number of aegis units in the meta, harsh rule is of limited value and end of the story has a steep 6 mana cost. Additionally, with the significant number of tutor cards available via the market, it's really easy to get a good hit with Back-Allely Delinquent or Rain of Frogs right after your opponent uses the market. Shadow also has access to annihilate to take care of turn 2 teacher.
The two drops available to dark chalice are very solid utility creatures. Derry Cathain blocks turn 2 teach and lives through hailstorm, and back-alley delinquent allows you to pitch dead cards in favor of sabotage. This is essentially the versatility of strategize without really needing to pay two mana for doing nothing.
Market explanation:
Infinite Hourglass blows out permafrost and allows you to chalice without losing board presence
Vara's Choice is available after your opponent uses Rise to the Challenge or a merchant
Scorpion wasp is valuable removal or a chalice target if you need one
Banish is both unit and relic removal
Chalice is Chalice
Back-Alley Delinquent is pretty sweet, but they can still tutor up austerity and play it on the same turn for 5 mana
so yea,
Spiritward Shaman or Cobalt Waystone or whatever