Plays out like a typical control deck. Use Garden to set up a turn with Resurface + Diogo to give the copy spell Destiny. Vanguard can recur it for a full board of huge copies.
Update 18/05/23:
Decks in Master go bigger than the Destiny + Deeptrail endgame. Heavy Hail swap for Juhi gives the deck more aggressive draws that can pressure other decks better.
Some questions though:
1) Why the singleton Find the Way? I don't see ever fetching it with Resurface.
2) The combo is shot if you draw Living reflection too early. Perhaps some Strategize or Second Sight to smooth that out?
3) Any thoughts on using Exodus to turn the combo into a OTK? It makes for a nice market target, even if only for inscribe
Find the Way isn't there to fetch. Imo decks with Merchants and Strategize want some kind of fodder to swap out so they don't keep getting rid of "real" cards. Incidentally, Strategize and the Merchants can swap out the Reflection if it gets stuck in hand. The deck is meant to be able to win without comboing off, and I find cards like Second Sight make your normal draws worse.
Exodus is interesting, but I'm not sure you need it. Display can create a pseudo-OTK by getting it back off your last copy.