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Recently, my decklist for Feln Midrange was delisted because it contained the word "MILF". Since I don't want to be delisted again, from now on I will make my deck titles as aggressively un-sexual as possible to avoid any future misunderstandings.

This is a Hooru Control deck. The objective of the deck is to stay alive in the early game with efficient removal like Defiance and Hailstorm. Then, you outvalue your opponent by drawing a large number of cards with various card draw spells such as Honor of Claws and Wisdom of the Elders, as well as Helio, the Skywinder, which is one of the star cards of this deck. Once you have established control of the game, you will finish your opponent off with Stormhalt Plating.

I will briefly explain some of the more unusual card choices and go through the Market below.

Card Choices

Unstable Form is a replacement for Jotun Hurler, which was recently nerfed. It has five primary uses. Firstly, it can be looted away with Honor of Claws, Strategize, or Jennev Merchant. Secondly, it can be used to pop an opposing units Aegis so that they are vulnerable to removal. Thirdly, it can be used to transform units that are resilient to conventional forms of removal, such as Rost, the Walking Glacier, or that have powerful Entomb effects you do not wish to trigger, such as Inferno Phoenix. Fourthly, it can be used to debuff units that are extremely overstatted relative to their cost, like Alhed, Ascending, who often becomes much weaker when he is turned into a random 3 drop. Fifthly, it can be used on your own Helio, the Skywinder in order to transform her into a random 7 drop, giving you a powerful unit to stabilize the board or kill the opponent quickly.

Auren Condemnation is an efficient answer for large units that also gains a great deal of armor. This armor helps you to stabilize, and also increases the durability of your Stormhalt Plating. Because it can be played at fast speed, you can hold up Condemnation in order to deal with large Ambush units like Xumucan, the Surveyor. If you have both a Condemnation and a Wisdom of the Elders, you can hold up both. If you decide not to use the Condemnation on the enemy's turn, you can use Wisdom instead. This gives you the flexibility of seeing what the enemy decides to do before you make a decision about whether to remove or draw.

Silver Night is most often used as a 5 mana kill spell that gains some armor and draws a card. This is an acceptable use case for it, especially if their unit is large. You can sometimes get excess value off it by playing Silver Night along with another sweeper, such as Hailstorm or Harsh Rule, in order to draw even more cards. Note that Silver Night synergizes well with Auric Condemnation, as playing around one card leaves them vulnerable to the other. (To play around Silver Night, they have to attack, but to play around Condemnation, they have to not attack. They can't do both.) Silver Night is particularly effective at killing large Endurance units, as they are forced to ready at the end of every turn, leaving them vulnerable to this card.

Discover Talents is an extremely flexible card. You should think of it as a primal sigil with additional upside in the late game. It is most commonly used to fetch Helio, the Skywinder, as it curves into her, but can also be used to tutor for specific cards that you need, such as Harsh Rule.

The Market
Lightning Storm is good against aggressive strategies, especially low-to-the-ground decks that spew out many units which have 2 or less health. It is also effective at cleaning up the tokens from Dinosaur Nest before they turn into 3/3s. If your opponent plays Nest on the play, and you market for Lightning Storm on turn 3, then Lightning Storm will come down on turn 4, which kills two out of the three Hatchlings that Nest plays. In the late game, you might also use it to remove Aegis from all enemy units (after an effect like Stand Together) before casting a sweeper to clear them.

Royal Decree is an extremely important card. This is because in many matchups, the opponent will have one or two cards that are particularly devastating for you (such as Equalize or Svetya, Merciful Orene), and Royal Decree allows you to get rid of them cleanly before they deal any damage. You can also use Decree to check the opponent's hand so you know if you are free to spend all your mana drawing cards without having to hold up Defiance against an Ambush or Charge unit.

Vision of Austerity is an efficient card that removes an opposing relic and stops them from playing that relic again. This is particularly effective for blanking all copies of a specific relic that you find difficult to deal with, such as Stormhalt Plating, Orene's Scepter, or Dinosaur Nest.

Savage Incursion is a versatile card that's meant for the mid to late game. It can act as spot removal, a marketable piece of card draw if you run out of gas, and in the very late game it can also spawn three massive dragons to finish the opponent off. Incursion is also an effective way to counter decks that rely on milling themselves, as doing so will rapidly increase the strength of your Incursion.

Scourge of Frosthome is one of the game's best haymakers. It finishes the game off instantly against control decks, such as the mirror or Combrei Equalize, and can be used to seal the game against decks that need spells for "outs" against you. While you won't be casting Scourge often, it is very unlikely that you will lose once you do.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
4 3

Power Sources
16 25 16

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
8 33 24 10

Card Types
9 4 42 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Homecoming [Set1005]
Awakening [Set1095]
Hour of Glass [Set1115]


February 17, 2022


Eternal Version
Valley Beyond

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