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Mono Primal is Good now!

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Deck seems pretty good, certainly as good as mono Primal has ever been. You kind of just survive until they're out of steam and you can start playing Thunderstrike Dragon and Rost every turn. You don't have to wait until they're entirely out of steam to start killing them, you basically just go slower until you can play units while holding up fast spells, or you're out of fast spells to hold up. Sometimes you do have to race, but this deck can do that pretty well with all the huge motherfuckers and fast answers.

I climbed from d3 to Masters with variations of this deck as I developed it. I'm not sure what my winrate was but it felt really good once I got the list and strategy nailed down and I went through d1 pretty easily with this exact list. I could definitely see this being a tier 1/2 deck in the right meta, or with some more refinement. However that might partly be because everyone's on a bunch of weird stuff. It'll take some time for the meta to settle to see how good it really is. But the deck does have some uniquely strong things going for it, it's not just a meme.


Rost, the Walking Glacier: Super good in the deck. I'd run him in the Market but Warping him is too good, and Feast-Caller has it's own benefits. Part of how this deck wins is presenting threats that are hard to trade for evenly, so they eventually run out of answers and you still have threats. Rost is obviously a huge part of that since he has built in recursion and he can't be chump blocked. He's definitely the main wincon and reason to be mono Primal.

Thunderstrike Dragon: Kind of a weird card but it's actually really important to the deck. Having a good flier is very relevant, and having a bunch of them even more so. A lot of the time you'll have neutralized their threats, but they still have a lot of removal. In these situations you can just throw a bunch of Dragons at them to draw it out in favorable trades. Or if they don't have removal you just kill them with Dragons. Also you can get a bunch of them with Second Sight and Merchants, it doesn't come up super often but it's a legit wincon if the hand is right. And finally it's useful for swapping into the market even if you never play it.

Jotun Feast-Caller: A wincon like Thunderstrike and Rost, but not in the same way. You want to use Thunderstrike and Rost to draw out removal so this guy is free to go buck wild and refill your hand. Then you use Rost and more Dragons to actually win. Sometimes you can beat them down with a Feast-Caller but usually you'll draw other threats along the way. Sometimes you want to play him first, like if you need him to be a hard to remove blocker, but usually he's the closer.

Torgov, Icecap Trader: Lategame beater, early game blocker, and if they can't answer it he helps smooth your draws. Kind of unassuming but he's a pretty big roleplayer in the deck. I considered Bam, Sneakeepeekee and Lethrai Soothsayer but I think the stats seem important than their abilities, and Torgov's on-hit is really synergistic with the deck.

Jotun Hurler: Just a good card in general. Snowball is really helpful, it pops face Aegis for Decree, kills Hojan, cleans up after Hailstorm, etc. Hurler itself isn't as good but he's still a unit with stats and a lot of the time that's all you need (in this deck anyway), and you can swap him with the Merchant, get extra Snowballs with Second Sight, or just toss him for the top card with Torgov. I think a 3/3 split with Thunderstrike is good, but I could see going to 4 Hurler 2 Dragon.


Ice Bolt: This card is GAS. You usually use it as removal but it's also good as ramp, or a way to get value off an about to be killed unit. It's also nice to reset Rost before he gets Silenced or Transformed. Ramping them can be relevant in the early game, but a big part of how this deck wins is neutralizing threats in a very power efficient way. So giving them extra power doesn't matter a lot of the time because they're short on cards to spend it on. Also, being able to kill most units for 2 power at the end of their turn is huge for efficiency and makes holding up Unseal/Wisdom much much safer.

Royal Decree: Rost is technically the main wincon of the deck but Decree is just as important if not more so. This deck relies on stringing together weird removal and draw to neutralize the enemy gameplan without running out of cards. Being able to take out a key threats and look at their hand makes it much MUCH easier to do this. A lot of the time you'll look at their hand and see mostly cards you can deal with and one card that'll ruin everything, like Koroyovat Palace or Martyr's Chains. Being able to know what their doing and answer it is huge. It's also great for shutting down Merchants and it's probably the main thing I get from the market. Turn 3 Merchant into turn 4 Swing + Decree is a very common and powerful line of play, especially against slower decks.

Unseal: Pretty self-explanatory, but I think having 4 of these is super important. A lot of the stuff that you lose too and can't answer with other methods happens because of spells, so having an answer to them is important. And it makes it a lot easier to win once you've won on board. One of the main drawbacks of Unseal is if they don't play something to counter you just wasted 2 power you could've spent on your turn (maybe). But this deck has plenty of other fast spells to play instead. So it's really easy to profitably hold up Unseal and it turns out that's pretty powerful.

Polymorph: Again this is pretty self-explanatory. It's important to be able to neutralize unit text boxes because a lot of decks rely on those. Polymorph is our only way of dealing with those, and it's another way to (mostly) neutralize stats which is always nice.

Permafrost: You definitely have to watch out for Palace but this is still great to stall things out a bit. Having to deal with Permafrosted units later isn't as big a deal in this deck because of all the card advantage - you can afford to 2-for-1 yourself here and there. And having the option to just stall out an attacker/blocker until they deal with it is really helpful.

Hailstorm: Pretty self-explanatory. I could see going to 4 but I tried that and it felt like too many. Useful for cleaning up after combat, fucking over aggro/token decks, popping aegis, and comboing with Snowball or even Ice Bolt (I actually did have to kill an 11 health unit that way once). Most of your units will survive it as well, making it even strong (a lot of the time it's a 1-sided boardwipe). Just an all around good card.


Second Sight: I had Gustrider and Strategize here, and those were fine but a little subpar. Discarding 2 to Gustrider hurt more often than I thought it would, and Stratgize just felt slow and clunky. Second Sight is fast so you can play it instead of Unseal/Bolt (which is huge), and it has a lot of synergy between with all the Fate/Echo/Warp. It's pretty rare to have to put some random card on top to draw again, usually you can either play it off the top right away or it procs Echo/Fate again. I'm pretty sure you want a draw effect here (as opposed to more Thunderstrike/Hurler/removal), and Second Sight definitely feels like the best one - it really enhances the gameplan as opposed to just (sort of) smoothing it out like the other two I tried.

Wisdom of the Elders: It's Wisdom. Automatic 2-for-1, great fast spell, super key to the deck. Never run less than 4.


Seal of Devotion: Holy shit this card is good. Along with Rost it's the main reason to go mono Primal. In fact, you could probably get away with Rost in a 2 faction deck but Seal makes a pretty good case for only one. The main problem is getting Rost on time, and it definitely comes up but I haven't really lost any games to it. Randomly drawing a card when it's on top is super great, and it turns Second Sight into a 2 power draw 2 (on your turn only).

Clan Standard: I like this card a lot, but I'm not sure you want it in the Market. The deck does actually want 5+ power (about 8), but I figure if you're at 5+ you probably don't want to just grab a power. I haven't run into problems though. Clan Tactic is a nice thing to have access to from the market, it's our only real way to deal with Relic Weapons and a pretty nice piece of removal. It's also Fast so that helps with the "hold up 5 different plays for their turn" strategy.

Cobalt Coin: Definitely a nice addition, it's not too crazy but there's room and it's definitely strong. Usually it's just a depleted power but sometimes it's also basically hard removal, or an Aegis popper. I could see running 3 so there's fewer depleted power but this amount has been pretty good.

Cobalt Waystone: No reason not to run the card and it's really good. Face Aegis is pretty relevant so getting it for free kicks ass.

Seek Power: Kind of weird in a monofaction deck, but Eilyn's Choice is too expensive and you want some non-power "power" cards to smooth out your draws and redraws. It doesn't feel too slow for the deck so I wouldn't replace it with power.


Obviously there's only one Merchant choice, and I think the Market is pretty solid too. I tried Polymorph instead of Hailstorm but I like Hailstorm better, and that was before I added extra removal in Tactic so I like it even more now.

Royal Decree is the most grabbed thing as the Merchant activates Onslaught and hitting them with at least 1 Onslaught Decree goes a long way towards winning.

Feast-Caller is there to refill your hand and be a hard to deal with threat, I definitely wouldn't replace him. Permafrost has also been really nice, partly because it's cheap so you can play it on the same turn as the Merchant often. But it's also nice to have as proactive removal. Ice Bolt could be good here but I don't think it'd be as good.

The power could be replaced but probably with another power, it's really helpful to smooth things out. If you have problems with the Standard try a Waystone instead.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

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Influence Requirements

Power Sources
22 4

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Deck Rarities
21 14 27 8

Card Types
22 4 28 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


May 10, 2019


Eternal Version
Dark Frontier

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Grunty Eternal Version: 1.46.3
Awsome description, thank you man !

I will try your deck.

Mono primal for life :)