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Jedi's Cube 1.0 Multi-Faction

Draft Deck By
Eternal Journey

1 Card icon for Auralian Cargo Auralian Cargo x1 1 Card icon for Call the Ancients Call the Ancients x1 1 Card icon for Combust Combust x1 1 Card icon for Ixtun Cargo Ixtun Cargo x1 1 Card icon for Jennev Cargo Jennev Cargo x1 1 Card icon for Kerendon Cargo Kerendon Cargo x1 1 Card icon for Winchest Cargo Winchest Cargo x1 2 Card icon for Accelerated Evolution Accelerated Evolution x1 2 Card icon for Bring Down Bring Down x1 2 Card icon for Champion of Glory Champion of Glory x1 2 Card icon for Desert Marshal Desert Marshal x1 2 Card icon for Eilyn's Choice Eilyn's Choice x1 2 Card icon for Equivocate Equivocate x1 2 Card icon for Grim Stranger Grim Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Highland Sharpshooter Highland Sharpshooter x1 2 Card icon for Lethrai Courtier Lethrai Courtier x1 2 Card icon for Purify Purify x1 2 Card icon for Rakano Artisan Rakano Artisan x1 2 Card icon for Rindra's Choice Rindra's Choice x1 2 Card icon for Vara's Choice Vara's Choice x1 3 Card icon for Avisaur Patriarch Avisaur Patriarch x1 3 Card icon for Banish Banish x1 3 Card icon for Bloodrite Kalis Bloodrite Kalis x1 3 Card icon for Brimstone Altar Brimstone Altar x1 3 Card icon for Calderan Cradle Calderan Cradle x1 3 Card icon for Champion of Chaos Champion of Chaos x1 3 Card icon for Champion of Impulse Champion of Impulse x1 3 Card icon for Crown of Possibilities Crown of Possibilities x1 3 Card icon for Display of Ambition Display of Ambition x1 3 Card icon for Display of Honor Display of Honor x1 3 Card icon for Display of Instinct Display of Instinct x1 3 Card icon for Display of Knowledge Display of Knowledge x1 3 Card icon for Display of Vision Display of Vision x1 3 Card icon for Feeding Time Feeding Time x1 3 Card icon for Feln Cauldron Feln Cauldron x1 3 Card icon for Knight-Chancellor Siraf Knight-Chancellor Siraf x1 3 Card icon for Recycler Recycler x1 3 Card icon for Slay Slay x1 4 Card icon for Albon Roa of the Order Albon Roa of the Order x1 4 Card icon for Bandit Queen Bandit Queen x1 4 Card icon for Champion of Vengeance Champion of Vengeance x1 4 Card icon for Champion of Wisdom Champion of Wisdom x1 4 Card icon for Clever Stranger Clever Stranger x1 4 Card icon for Copperhall Elite Copperhall Elite x1 4 Card icon for Cruciation Cruciation x1 4 Card icon for Darya, Warrior Poet Darya, Warrior Poet x1 4 Card icon for Diogo Málaga, Elonze Diogo Málaga, Elonze x1 4 Card icon for Mask of Torment Mask of Torment x1 4 Card icon for Mortar Mortar x1 4 Card icon for Navani, Warsinger Navani, Warsinger x1 4 Card icon for Severin, the Mad Mage Severin, the Mad Mage x1 4 Card icon for Sword of Unity Sword of Unity x1 4 Card icon for The Great Parliament The Great Parliament x1 4 Card icon for Tinker Dronedropper Tinker Dronedropper x1 5 Card icon for Aniyah, Arctic Sheriff Aniyah, Arctic Sheriff x1 5 Card icon for Bazaar Stampede Bazaar Stampede x1 5 Card icon for Bereaved Stranger Bereaved Stranger x1 5 Card icon for Burn Them All Burn Them All x1 5 Card icon for Champion of Cunning Champion of Cunning x1 5 Card icon for Cirso, the Great Glutton Cirso, the Great Glutton x1 5 Card icon for Cirso's Cleaver Cirso's Cleaver x1 5 Card icon for Colossal Pteriax Colossal Pteriax x1 5 Card icon for Deepforged Plate Deepforged Plate x1 5 Card icon for Hunting Pteriax Hunting Pteriax x1 5 Card icon for Iceberg Warchief Iceberg Warchief x1 5 Card icon for Inquisitor Makto Inquisitor Makto x1 5 Card icon for Scraptank Scraptank x1 5 Card icon for Syl, Hand of the Cabal Syl, Hand of the Cabal x1 5 Card icon for Triumphant Stranger Triumphant Stranger x1 6 Card icon for Champion of Mystery Champion of Mystery x1 6 Card icon for Champion of Progress Champion of Progress x1 6 Card icon for Failed Reflection Failed Reflection x1 6 Card icon for Ferocious Stranger Ferocious Stranger x1 6 Card icon for Fortunate Stranger Fortunate Stranger x1 6 Card icon for Heart of the Vault Heart of the Vault x1 6 Card icon for Howling Peak Howling Peak x1 6 Card icon for Jekk, Lone Gun Jekk, Lone Gun x1 6 Card icon for Meditative Stranger Meditative Stranger x1 6 Card icon for Minotaur Ambassador Minotaur Ambassador x1 6 Card icon for Starsteel Daisho Starsteel Daisho x1 7 Card icon for Eilyn, Clan Mother Eilyn, Clan Mother x1 7 Card icon for Grinva, Judge of Battles Grinva, Judge of Battles x1 7 Card icon for Moment of Creation Moment of Creation x1 7 Card icon for Nightmaw, Sight Unseen Nightmaw, Sight Unseen x1 7 Card icon for Unraveler of Destinies Unraveler of Destinies x1 7 Card icon for Vodakhan, Temple Speaker Vodakhan, Temple Speaker x1 8 Card icon for Molot & Nakova Molot & Nakova x1 10 Card icon for Decimation Decimation x1


Cost Curve




Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3 3 3 3

Power Sources

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
5 16 37 1 29

Card Types
48 10 29 1 0

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Homecoming [Set1005]


October 6, 2019

October 3, 2019


Eternal Version
The Flame of Xulta

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) October 6, 2019



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