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[Budget] Upgraded "Stonescar Beatdown" (rank 1 clickbait)

Expedition Deck By
The Barbarian Camp


Cost Curve




Hey all, this is my attempt at updating the Stonescar Beatdown decklist that you can purchase in the store for 2000 gems. I've made sure not to add any cards above common/uncommon rarity, so if you purchase the deck then you should be able to make this ^^

I've made a lot of small adjustments, but here are some of the major changes:
-2x Scraptank We're an aggressively slanted midrange deck with only The Rat King for sacrifice synergy, so Scraptank is out of place here.
-2x Cremate There is much better removal available to Stonescar atm, and the power cost makes this too slow.
-1x Face of Betrayal This card is similar to Scraptank in that it requires a lot of sacrifice effects to get full value out of it. This one can be used to end the game so it's not quite as sketchy, but I think there are still better things to spend your power on.
-2x Wrong Turn As much as I love this card, it's very slow for an aggressive deck like this, and invoke is much more relevant if you can afford to use power inefficiently to gain value (which we don't want to do here).

+4x Stonebreaker Bow This card is extremely aggressive against slow decks, letting you potentially deal four damage to the opponent before they remove it or play a unit. It also has synergy with Voprex's Choice, since you can keep recurring bow with the attack it's gained from contracting.
+3x Bullseye I'm not exaggerating by saying that 90% of competitive decks play Dinosaur Nest, so you kind of need relic removal to have a chance at beating this card when it's played early. If you can afford it then I would run 4x Oni Inciter instead of Bullseye and 1x Jeering Yeti.

-2x Shadow Sigil, +2x Fire Sigil I'm simplifying a bit, but this is essentially what I changed about the powerbase. There was a lot of depleted power and too many shadow sources, making 2 drops (especially League Explorer) uncastable. You still have 17 total sources for shadow after this, so it should be enough to consistently play four drops like Impending Doom and The Rat King, but now you will be able to play a unit on t2 as well.

Anyway, if people like this type of content then I can make adjustments to the other decks as well. I think this is a relatively viable ladder deck that should easily be able to make it to Masters :) I hope this helped, and enjoy!

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
18 15 8

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
17 29 12 3

Card Types
33 4 13 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Hour of Glass [Set1115]

Aggro Midrange

February 20, 2022


Eternal Version
Valley Beyond

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



Ellegedly Eternal Version: 22.06.08
Hey there, I remember when I first started out on this game I was struggling, I ended up here and was looking for something similar to this so I knew what deck to spend my gold on and then what cards to try and get in the future! This is really valuable to a new player and I hope you do this in the future for next expansion(s). I often will buy some of the new theme decks and just play them as is to get a feel for the new mechanics and also just to see what a brand new player would experience if this was all they had! Thank you for your efforts I have played many of your decks and really appreciate it because I am really bad at making decks myself!
swapoer Eternal Version: 22.03.02
I can craft this with 14,250 stones. Should I buy it or craft it ? Which way is the most economic efficent?
Bignatius Eternal Version: 22.03.02
Hello Mail,

Stonebreaker Bow did quite a lot damage in my games with your list.

Did you consider adding Oni Forgesmith, maybe instead of the blueprints?

Would you also add Jawbone Greatsword with the recent buff of overwhelm if you don't won't to keep it budget?

Would you add something else if gems are not limited?

I have the impressions that many player bring slow (face aegis) control decks where relic weapons plus aggro could be good.

Best regards
Bignatius Eternal Version: 22.03.02
Oh well,
Never mind about the great sword. I thought it was expedition legal.
But Miner's Musket seems to be fitting this deck.
What do you think

Best regards
Mail Eternal Version: 22.03.02
Hi ^^
I think the blueprints are somewhat necessary to be able to support League Explorer while also reaching double shadow for Impending Doom and The Rat King, but forgesmith would be a decent card if you wanted to build towards midrange/control. Like you mentioned, greatsword isn't currently legal, but fwiw I think it's not the worst idea as an answer to magniventris. Miner's Musket is pretty situational, I think that it's great if you're facing a lot of low health units (especially ones with aegis like Plunk or Paladin), and not so good if you're mostly using it to deal 2 damage to the opponent.
I'm glad you're enjoying the deck!
TheL0rd0fSpace Eternal Version: 22.02.02
This is a super cool concept!

I'm not a big brewer, and I have a big enough collection that I don't need "starting point" decks like these, but I'm really glad you're giving semi-new players some suggestions to help make their first steps into competitive Expedition a ton better!

I hope to see this for the other two Expedition deck bundles, assuming you feel like it.
Almost Edited Eternal Version: 22.02.02
Nice, these are some good changes! I would also recommend Stonescar Insignia, Stonescar Painting, and/or Stonescar Banner as really low-cost upgrades to the powerbase that will help with cards like League Explorer and Rat King
Mail Eternal Version: 22.02.02
Thanks! I'd definitely agree with adding those cards if you decide to play the deck in throne, but I tried to keep it expedition playable since that's how the deck is marketed in the store.
Almost Eternal Version: 22.02.02
Oh right. in that case, things look good.