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[Help] Petitions #1

Event Deck By

Work in Progress
0 Card icon for Sand Warrior Sand Warrior x1 1 Card icon for Alluring Ember Alluring Ember x1 1 Card icon for Entrancer Entrancer x1 1 Card icon for Envelop Envelop x1 1 Card icon for Fallen Oni Fallen Oni x1 1 Card icon for Forge Wolf Forge Wolf x1 1 Card icon for Grenadin Drone Grenadin Drone x1 1 Card icon for Hearty Stranger Hearty Stranger x1 1 Card icon for Heavy Axe Heavy Axe x1 1 Card icon for Humbug Humbug x1 1 Card icon for Light 'em Up Light 'em Up x1 1 Card icon for Lingering Influence Lingering Influence x1 1 Card icon for Rambot Rambot x1 1 Card icon for Shiver Shiver x1 1 Card icon for Slow Slow x1 1 Card icon for Water of Life Water of Life x1 1 Card icon for Worn Shield Worn Shield x1 1 Card icon for Yeti Spy Yeti Spy x2 2 Card icon for Back-Alley Delinquent Back-Alley Delinquent x2 2 Card icon for Borderlands Waykeeper Borderlands Waykeeper x1 2 Card icon for Crownwatch Paladin Crownwatch Paladin x2 2 Card icon for Dark Wisp Dark Wisp x1 2 Card icon for Encouragement Encouragement x1 2 Card icon for Hooru Stranger Hooru Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Hotblood Barbarian Hotblood Barbarian x1 2 Card icon for Iceberg Hailshrieker Iceberg Hailshrieker x1 2 Card icon for Illumination Wisp Illumination Wisp x1 2 Card icon for Learned Herbalist Learned Herbalist x2 2 Card icon for Lethrai Target Caller Lethrai Target Caller x1 2 Card icon for Lightning Strike Lightning Strike x1 2 Card icon for Linebreaker's Shield Linebreaker's Shield x1 2 Card icon for Longshot Marksman Longshot Marksman x1 2 Card icon for Master-at-Arms Master-at-Arms x1 2 Card icon for Noble Firemane Noble Firemane x1 2 Card icon for Obsidian Golem Obsidian Golem x1 2 Card icon for Privilege of Rank Privilege of Rank x1 2 Card icon for Rakano Artisan Rakano Artisan x1 2 Card icon for Rampage Rampage x1 2 Card icon for Rapid Shot Rapid Shot x2 2 Card icon for Refresh Refresh x1 2 Card icon for Sand Viper Sand Viper x1 2 Card icon for Sandglass Parma Sandglass Parma x1 2 Card icon for Sauropod Wrangler Sauropod Wrangler x1 2 Card icon for Second Sight Second Sight x1 2 Card icon for Smith's Hammer Smith's Hammer x1 2 Card icon for Stonescar Stranger Stonescar Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Tinker Tinker x1 2 Card icon for Trick Shot Trick Shot x1 2 Card icon for Violent Gust Violent Gust x1 3 Card icon for Blackguard Sidearm Blackguard Sidearm x1 3 Card icon for Bloodrite Kalis Bloodrite Kalis x1 3 Card icon for Brightmace Paladin Brightmace Paladin x1 3 Card icon for Crownwatch Deserter Crownwatch Deserter x2 3 Card icon for Emerald Ring Emerald Ring x2 3 Card icon for Extract Extract x1 3 Card icon for Feeding Time Feeding Time x1 3 Card icon for Foothills Alpha Foothills Alpha x1 3 Card icon for Guard Dog Guard Dog x2 3 Card icon for Ice Sprite Ice Sprite x1 3 Card icon for Journeyman Armorer Journeyman Armorer x1 3 Card icon for Pteriax Hatchling Pteriax Hatchling x1 3 Card icon for Rolant's Memorial Rolant's Memorial x1 3 Card icon for Scheme Scheme x1 3 Card icon for Skysnapper Skysnapper x1 3 Card icon for Sorrow's Shroud Sorrow's Shroud x1 3 Card icon for Spire Chaplain Spire Chaplain x1 3 Card icon for Spirit Guide Spirit Guide x1 3 Card icon for Stoneshaker Stoneshaker x1 3 Card icon for Stormcrasher Stormcrasher x1 3 Card icon for Trigger-Happy Trigger-Happy x1 3 Card icon for Warpainter Warpainter x1 4 Card icon for Back-Alley Bouncer Back-Alley Bouncer x1 4 Card icon for Centaur Outrider Centaur Outrider x1 4 Card icon for Citywide Ban Citywide Ban x1 4 Card icon for Clan Wallbreaker Clan Wallbreaker x1 4 Card icon for Cripple Cripple x1 4 Card icon for Jarrall's Frostkin Jarrall's Frostkin x1 4 Card icon for Mask of Torment Mask of Torment x1 4 Card icon for Mortar Mortar x1 4 Card icon for Preserver of Dualities Preserver of Dualities x1 4 Card icon for Subvert Subvert x1 4 Card icon for Transmogrifier Transmogrifier x2 5 Card icon for Bloodcall Invoker Bloodcall Invoker x1 5 Card icon for Cliffside Caretaker Cliffside Caretaker x1 5 Card icon for Downfall Downfall x1 5 Card icon for Dustblind Dustblind x1 5 Card icon for Dusthoof Brawler Dusthoof Brawler x1 5 Card icon for First-Frost Shaman First-Frost Shaman x2 5 Card icon for Gun Down Gun Down x1 5 Card icon for Jotun Warrior Jotun Warrior x2 5 Card icon for Lurking Sanguar Lurking Sanguar x1 5 Card icon for Psionic Savant Psionic Savant x1 5 Card icon for Scepter of Nobility Scepter of Nobility x1 5 Card icon for Time Weaver Time Weaver x1 5 Card icon for Waystone Infuser Waystone Infuser x1 5 Card icon for Wildfire Censari Wildfire Censari x2 6 Card icon for Cannonbearer Cannonbearer x2 6 Card icon for Pack Hunt Pack Hunt x1 6 Card icon for Pyre Elemental Pyre Elemental x1 6 Card icon for Spirit Drain Spirit Drain x1 6 Card icon for Voyaging Lumen Voyaging Lumen x1 7 Card icon for Elysian Trailblazer Elysian Trailblazer x1 7 Card icon for Enraged Araktodon Enraged Araktodon x1 7 Card icon for Sandglass Sentinel Sandglass Sentinel x1 8 Card icon for Unbreakable Alliance Unbreakable Alliance x1 Card icon for Justice Sigil Justice Sigil x6 Card icon for Primal Sigil Primal Sigil x7 Card icon for Shadow Sigil Shadow Sigil x3 Card icon for Diplomatic Seal Diplomatic Seal x1 Card icon for Hooru Banner Hooru Banner x1


Cost Curve




Need help on my sealed deck. No bombs (maybe 1?).

Initially went with JP with black splash for weapon + Rapid Shot but it doesnt have enough threats to finish the opponent off. Shadow is good for removal but has bad monsters. Dont think its good to splash double SS just for removal.

Event Information

League - Chapter 24: Petitions
November 1-30, 2018
Sealed League


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3 2 3 2

Power Sources
7 8 3 1 1

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
80 30 8 2

Card Types
72 16 30 0 18


November 12, 2018


Eternal Version
Bug fixes

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



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