Here is my third and possibly favorite aggro deck that I've been playing in the new Expedition. The deck certainly hits hard very quick, with 3 one-drops, but it also has a decent middle game if necessary - which is important given that we are seeing more high toughness creatures and things are become more hostile to aggro. Some notes of specific cards:
Call The Hit - one of the best Inscribe cards around, as it can be a removal spell or a power. Only run 2 because you normally don't need a huge amount of power.
Searing Fist - a very necessary card which can take out a lot of 4 toughness creatures, including Helena, which otherwise can shut you down.
Stonebreaker Bow - another extremely necessary card. You will feel great after you kill Quinn or the 4/4 flyer with Aegis with this card.
Raniya, Never Caught - a very underappreciated card. Reminds me of pre-nerf Crusader, and both cards you could get are often useful at different times.
Syl, No Regrets - one of my favorite cards in the new set. It can give you a burst of damage, is great with added power (which you have three ways of getting) and really punishes control decks and sweepers, which we are seeing more of (want to
Harsh Rule? Take 10!)
Do you think the deck runs enough removal? Or do you find yourself wanting more?