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It's the season of stealing

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve





Here's a deck based around stealing your opponent's stuff. It's fairly straightforward; you stall the game while you take your opponent's units and use them to your heart's content. I think it needs some work to be viable, but it's been fun so far. Let me point out a few things, and then I'll leave it with some stuff I think could be changed/improved upon since this is very much a work-in-progress:

1) One thing I do is use cards like Mournful Deathcap and Darktalon Wyvarch to get your opponents to discard units into their graveyard. Then, I play Waylay or Eavesdrop to steal their void so you can have a larger selection for cards like Sinister Rumors, In Service, and Grasping at Shadows.

2) There's also the good 'ol steal plus Devour combo using cards like Madness.

3) The Hermit's Triumph is a nice way to tie things up or remove nasty units. It feels good to steal 2 annoying units, use them against your opponent, then send 'em to the void all in one fell swoop.

Here are some things I think need to be changed/improved:

1) I'm not sure about including Raniya, Miviox Maniac. It's life gaining effect can be great, and it fits the stealing theme of the deck. But, using it's stealing effect is costly, and it might be better as a market card. Something like Vara, Vengeance-Seeker might be better since she can gain you life and get rid of aegis (which can be really useful in this deck).

2) I'm also not sure about the market. In particular, Friendly Visit and Display of Menace are only sometimes useful. I feel good about the other market cards.

3) I'm not sure I like Beastly Disruption in this deck. I included it b/c it's hunt effect can fill your opponent's void with things you might steal, but it might be replaced after I test it more. I had Dizo, Cabal Racketeer in previously, but I don't really like that card.

Anyways, this deck has gone through a ton of edits, and I'll certainly make more changes after more testing. Any tips are very much welcome.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3 2

Power Sources
6 10 14 12 8

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
17 25 31 3 4

Card Types
21 0 33 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Hour of Glass [Set1115]


December 8, 2023


Eternal Version
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Revisions (Since last major patch) December 8, 2023



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