The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
It's a neat card and I tried it, but for this decklist I found that I often had too many ways to sacrifice relics and I am playing a decent number of 3-cost relics so I found that I prefer Clear the Way and Lethrai Lobotomy for having lower cost and more immediate board impact.
I think it is better in a deck with more 0 or 1 cost relics and ramp like Arcanum Hourglass so that you have the power to amplify it more than twice and plenty of relics to sacrfice.
I think it is better in a deck with more 0 or 1 cost relics and ramp like Arcanum Hourglass so that you have the power to amplify it more than twice and plenty of relics to sacrfice.