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Legions of Feln

Gauntlet Deck By


Cost Curve




Hello Traveler!

This is another decent and fun deck to run in gauntlet. Straight forward unit based strategy in Feln since they have some very good units.

Blackhall Warleader + Murgo the Bone Guy got our backs in the early game and can swing in for stacking value. Keep the way clear with removal and preferably dont stop swinging =)

The top end is coverd by Direwood Pack Tenacious Heron Champion of Cunning . These units are all bombs and well protected by aegis which is very nice.

The rest of the deck is build around to support the menagery up top. Life Steal and removal as well as card draw.
>Market cards are debatable. I find my self mostly go for Tasbu, the Forbidden and Black-Sky Harbinger or Rift Siphon . If you got ideas/suggestions feel free to post them.

My track record so far is 3-0 [21-0 wins]

=> to make this deck even more budget friendly you could find a 2 cost-unit substitute for [BlackhallWarleader] and the market cards!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 5

Power Sources
17 24 16

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Deck Rarities
6 39 17 4 7

Card Types
38 1 15 1 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Enter the Arcanum [Set1135]
The Devouring [Set1145]

Aggro Midrange

June 12, 2024

June 11, 2024


Eternal Version
Separate Ways

BBCode For Comments

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Revisions (Since last major patch) June 12, 2024



ZE1TGEIST Edited Eternal Version: 24.06.05
There's a lot of ways you can go with a deck like this.

One thing I'd change is the 4 each of Victimless and Annihilate. 8 cards at 2 drop that can be dead at times. But they're great cards. In Magic the Gathering I'd always see people playing 4 Doom Blade. I never liked that either. I like situational cards. Just not as many as the next person. A one-of I like to use is Nectar of Unlife. Since you're likely going to toss a few of these kill cards at little stuff you don't like, it's good to get a bonus out of it. I like this one just in case if I'm desperate against a 3+ health, it still has decay. But there are other advantageous cards like this too. With lifesteal or whatever.

Since this is gauntlet here, I'd add 4th feeding time. Lots of cards in gauntlet that you want to silence like: Umbren Reaper, Azrog, Streetbreaker, Soulfire Drake, etc. Basically only a few decks in Gauntlet play this stuff, but you'll be real sorry of you don't have the silence/transform or whatever for them.

I know, I know... Shadow does have a lot of great 2 drops. But you have 16 here. Warleader and Murgo essentially doing a similar thing. Maybe 3&3 them? Or something else entirely? ...

Lifespeaker and Warleader. This is old school. So is Spiritweaver. People used to play Spiritweaver and then play all these 5/5s on turn 3. Stuff like: Marionette Cross, Prism Golem (in mono Shadow), Etc. I don't see many 3 drops here but could maybe see a couple more.

Decks like this back in the day would play Makkar's Quiver. And I think there's almost consideration for that here. I dunno. I'm wanting to see some more petty removal. Like Suffocate or Call The Hit. The warlocks brew that comes with the spellcrafted quiver is a bit expensive at a total of three. But it might be a nice market card. Dunno what you'd remove 🤷🏻 you said you don't want to stop swinging with 2 drops and those are some cards that will help clear the way possible more efficiently. If you're looking.and there are others. But only if that's something you wanna commit to harder.

In Cold Blood might find a nice home here. Not more than one or two or market though. But this might also be long game overthinking on my part.

From Below is a market card I like as a finisher sometimes too.

Xenan lifespeaker is kinda mid here. Shadow has lifesteal with Spiritweaver ideally. And 1 drops are less essential because shadow has stuff like the Vinegrafter and Vara (in other decks). Vara is usually a must but you have your own Aegis and other stuff instead.

Usually in a deck like this I do either Saloon Massacre or Hailstorm. Then I play units with butts that can survive either 3 or 4 to it. But you've got small stuff here. If you don't sweep the little junk, you're prolly fine with you're larger stuff. If it bothers you, cards like Lightning Storm might do what you want. But it's not great.

A couple Night Dojo could be pretty fun. Possibly swap Xenan Lifespeaker for Toxic Wisp to better protect said dojo 😝 toxic wisp will also make heron 5 strength. Or maybe a Murgo or Warleader. Toxic Wisp over lifespeaker will also lessen the need for stuff like the Hailstorm sweeps. Just by a little.

Rarely Gauntlet will throw Black Iron Manacles or Flamestoker at you. Without a Cat Burglar or Exploit to take that from hand, they're more likely to be a problem. Burglarize can be an all too perfect card for those. Something like Display of Will for versatility.

Just some ideas if you're looking.
SaltySparrow Eternal Version: 24.06.05
Great input, thx for taking the time and writing this. =)
SaltySparrow Eternal Version: 24.06.05
Good call i will try her! <3
alamat01 Eternal Version: 24.06.05
I replaced lifespeaker with Iadria and big wheel with the 4cost relic that alternates draw and poison to your units for smoother games.
pal Eternal Version: 24.06.05
Try Iadria if you haven't. AI can't handle her