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Skycrag HyperAggro

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




UPDATE 16/01/2019:

Deck brought me all the way to Diamond 1 but I was stumbled at the sheer amount of Windchest. This is the most consistent and final updates of the Skycrag Aggro that I'm playing.

I hate to admit, but with that many Windchests in ladder, it's better to play Rakano Aggro now.

New Additions:
Mischief Yeti
Replaces Pyroknight because Pyroknight does nothing most of the time except for being a vanilla 2/1. Mischief Yeti is kinda amazing when you buffed it, giving you a pseudo burn spell on units or players to push that one last damage.

This card really pushes the deck's consistency over the top. I'd issues with super bad top decks at times and Pummel just smoothed them out. Don't be afraid to Pummel aggressively, the curve to 4 power is this deck's key to victory. If you are able to curve with Vadius at 3, then slam your removals at 4 follow up with Shogun's Scepter or any other power up the game is in your favor.


This is my new iteration after the Jennev Merchant and Ixtun Merchant nerf. The nerf on Jennev has a lot impact and now Ixtun just casually trades with any 2/1, that's awful.

I don't particularly like Skycrag aggro lists without merchants because it took away our flexibility, but this is the best I can build at the moment without taking too much of the core strength (speed) away.

Surprisingly, the deck can grind quite well despite suffering from the steam loss symptom of many aggro decks thanks to Aegis on Vadius, Clan Father and his Quickdraw ability which discourage blocking. Most of the card choices remain the same reasoning which you can find from Skycrag Aggro (Ladder Tuned).

Some highlights on card choices:-
Frontier Bard
I'm happy to find this card into my 3 cost slot. Instead of Clan Hero who dies casually to Torch, Bard survives the "Bolt" while also surviving 3 costs board wipes. This is a huge boon for us. The Inspire ability also makes drawing your Warcried / Aegis units more dangerous. In addition, it fits well with the deck who just likes to attack and run into opposing blocking creatures even though you might get one of them killed, you don't care anyway (UNLESS THERE'S LIFESTEAL). Bard will grow larger and if unanswered, can quickly become a huge vanilla threat alongside our big boss Vadius.

Longbarrel finds its way back as a mini burn spell and also because we play Vadius. Back then we are able to turn dead draws into useful tools with merchants so I'd preferred Ornate Katana to keep giving us options. With merchants now gone from the list, we need a more all-in way to deal damage, and Longbarrel's Overwhelm ability fits into that category. Still not very convinced, but that's the best we can pull off. Overwhelm really pulls a lot weight for us to finish off games with this list.

Mortar gets a maindeck splash because we desperately need some final burns on the face. Most of my Torch now goes to face as well as incremental Longbarrel shots with Overwhelm damages, sometimes we are going down to one direct damaging spell away to win, and Mortar fills in that spot.

Don't be discouraged if you get mixed results at times. Power flooding and you are dead, not being aggressive enough and game is over, or opponent just lined up their removals against all your units with a Lifesteal unit on top as finisher. I personally don't think the meta favors heavily to hyper aggressive decks at the moment but we do get a fair chance against slower decks that tries to prey on all the midrange ones. I managed to get to Diamond 1 again and looking forward to hit Masters with this deck.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 1

Power Sources
15 14 8 4

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
22 27 9 4

Card Types
31 9 10 0 25


January 16, 2019

January 7, 2019


Eternal Version

BBCode For Comments

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Revisions (Since last major patch) January 16, 2019



ReflectingMyDescent Edited Eternal Version: 1.42.2
thanks for the deck update. I have to say I'm kinda sceptical about your card choices but I might give it a try and find out for myself how good frontier bard really is. what do you think of cards like pummel, mischief yeti and chunk chunk? ManuS said that those cards were the future of skycrag and need to be included these days. also you're right with saying that market is unplayable for skycrag. we'll have to play marketless from now on!

I did send you a friend request in eternal btw.
zafuri Edited Eternal Version: 1.42.2
Friend Request accepted!

Frankly speaking, I don't like Pummel because it helps only when you are attacking. Mischief Yeti sounds interesting, and Chunk Chunk looks abit clunky to me. Do you have the ManuS review? Would love to hear what he says.

Just recently I'd found my new love in favor of Rampage which is Mighty Strikes. Although it's one less attack, but surprisingly the one extra toughness punch is working better than expected. In addition, you can fight the 5 mana game with it.

Also, tbh the abundance of FJS (Windchest) variants of midrange decks with all the annoying lifegains is really sad for us at the moment, we still get some chances but most of the time the deck folds once Rizhan / Vara lands unanswered. For the 4 mana slot, you can try Groundbreaker which I'm experimenting with. The power combination will need a bit of tweaking to find FFF consistently.
ReflectingMyDescent Edited Eternal Version: 1.42.2
I tried out frontier bard and I have to say it's a really good card that can snowball you to victory. Very good addition to the deck!
I tested mighty strikes before and really didn't like it. It didn't give me enough value to keep it in the deck.

The changes to Skycrag aggro were discussed on ManuS twitch channel live on stream. I don't have clips from that but I can put in a nutshell what he said:

- 4x Pummel instead of 2x Rampage. Nobody expects pummel. Scout is nice.

- Pyroknight has always been a bad 1 drop. It's very good for lategame but offers little to no advantage in the early game. The new card Mischief Yeti should replace Pyroknight. You either play 2 Pyro Knight and 2 Mischief Yeti or 4 Mischief Yeti. That's up to you.

- Chunk Chunk is a very versatile and underrated card. You want to add 2 of these into your deck. Chunk Chunk offers Pledge which can be very good if you're starting with a hand that is low on power. The stun is also very good since permafrost is the only stun we are running. The renown buff in form of snowfort is also really good and can safe some of your cards from crucial AoE's.

- Since the merchant nerfs --> always play marketless!