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Hooru Plunderer v0.1

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




Version that got me through Diamond 1 to Master.

2 and 3-drops will need refinement, some of them are just me purely memeing, but the core idea of Horde Plunderer with a good number of spellcraft weapons and Aegis/flying units is very functional.

2-faction big Time midrange seems to be its best matchup if you don't immediately get Killer'ed to oblivion.


As of July 19th, decklist will need to be tweaked to work in TJP Blitz meta.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3

Power Sources
19 15 12 4

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
16 13 29 1 11

Card Types
28 14 12 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]

Aggro Midrange

July 21, 2018

July 16, 2018


Eternal Version
The Fall of Argenport

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



flippyflop Edited Eternal Version: 1.36
glad you see you had some success with Horde Plunderer

i desperately tried to force it in my FJP plate list but the spellcraft effects I was exploiting didn't feel strong enough to justify just playing regular cards like Vanquish and Finest Hour

Changeestik is a pretty powerful effect however, and i'm glad to see you were able to play Sheriff Marley.
in regards to 2 drops, i take it you're not a fan of Kothon, the Far-Watcher due to its lack of initial evasion eh?

i also find your market interesting. i think i might have put Svetya, Orene of Kosul, a Horde Plunderer, and Vision of Austerity in it but i see you're running Whispering Wind which is like a psuedo market in itself, provided it can stick.

how has Answer the Call been for you? i wonder if that might not be the key to unlocking the true power of Horde Plunderer but i'd imagine you'd have to have a pretty high density of equipment for it to be reliable
Nordicus Edited Eternal Version: 1.36
Thanks for taking a look.

The thing very much is that the Spellcraft weapons without Horde Plunderer are just fine, but with Horde Plunderer on board, they become utterly busted. Playing 2 spellcraft weapons in a turn for their full effects is something only a control deck can come back from.

And yes, I wasn't much of a fan of Kothon because he doesn't exactly help the rest of the deck work. Maybe putting an early weapon on him is acceptable, but I wanted to go more all-in on the Tribute shenanigans. I've considered Tranquil Scholar, Workshop Tinker, Borderlands Waykeeper and Dusk Raider in that same slot, probably in place of Honored Skyguard.

I have tried both Svetya and Horde Plunderer in market in previous iteration, and both were bad there. Svetya might buy me another turn, but based on my data, I don't win the games where I pull her. And pulling out Horde Plunderer is often such a massive tempo loss that I end up never doing it, and thus I basically only play with 3 plunderers. Turn 3 merchant, turn 4 market Plunderer is just not happening, if I pull Plunderer I'll play her at 5 mana earliest with a weapon, and I'd rather make more guaranteed impactful proactive plays then, like play a Feastcaller and go "answer or die to this sticky value voltron". All 4 have to stay in main deck.

Vision of Austerity? I honestly do not care about relics one bit with exception of Obelisk explicitly in Praxis tokens, but even then it's not fast so they get their initial value anyway.

Answer the Call has generally been okay, not amazing unless I have Plunderer on board, in which case I get the free spellcrafts and the spell becomes immediately worth it. Even without her, I often bet a fairly large Flying Aegis unit out of it. The spell does whiff entirely some percentage of the time, which is the biggest argument for switching to some other topend like maindeck Feast-callers