Here's my most recent take on a Mastery deck. I tried somebody before that went bigger than use, using Arcanum and Kairos mainboard with more ways to gain power - however, it fell flat with how aggressive the current meta is. This version uses the efficiency of mastery creatures to win out games you had no business doing so.
A note on a few choices:
Qirin Ascendant races well with other aggro decks, but it's really useful against the plethora of permafrost running around. People frost a creature about to reach its mastery, not expecting a sudden swing and Mastery proc after this card lands and removes the frost.
Genetrix Irel IV is just silly with Mastery - giving a creature 4/4 procs every creature's Mastery aside from Shen-Ra with an attack.
Kairos, Grand Champion and
Xulta Arcanum in the market give you a bonkers late game plan. People will exhaust their resources trying to stop your Mastery cards from taking effect - dropping these give you an easy bomb. Xulta Arcanum leads into Kairos quite well. Kairos has the added benefit of causing any creature to attack upon summon - if you have an Akko triggered, this immediately procs most your deck.
Kaleb's Persuader speaks for itself. It ramps you quickly into your market if you need it, or multiple tricks in a turn. As well as proccing Mastery hilariously easy - This is extremely nice for Varret, who has a rather steep Mastery goal on his second forms.
Let me know what you think!