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FFFP Skycrag Aggro

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




As you can see, this is more-or-less a standard Skycrag aggro deck with a couple new inclusions from Defiance. The only thing unusual about this deck is that we are playing Skycrag aggro with a couple FFF cards, namely Nika and Groundbreaker. I'll break down the deck a little bit, but I won't bother going card-by-card for the standard Skycrag nonsense we all know and love (or hate).

As usual, we're playing the standard Aegis package of Snowcrust Yeti, Jennev Merchant, and Vadius, Clan Father. These units are the main reason that the deck doesn't fold to sweepers, which is the reason to play this over other similarly styled aggressive decks.

I'll mention briefly that I tried Howling Peak Smuggler over Jennev Merchant and didn't like it for a couple reasons. Firstly, having lower stats and not having Aegis are two huge liabilities, and you have to warp your deck in an unfavorable way (e.g. including mediocre cards like Signal Flare) to get value out of the +1 damage ability. Secondly, the way that the Jennev Merchant plays with Permafrost is just too absurd to pass up; being able to include 3 copies in your deck and also tutor for one on command feels pretty unfair, and Howling Peak Smuggler can't do that because of the black market restriction.

The weapons package of Ornate Katana and Shogun's Scepter plays well with the Aegis units and also with Rakano Outlaw, Nika, the Freescaler, and activated Groundbreaker.

Ditto for the pump spells Mighty Strikes and Shugo Tactic. I should also mention that the fact that the former gives +2 health makes it better than Rampage; using it on 5 power to push more damage or blow out bigger/multiple blocks is also significant upside.

Nika, the Freescaler is good more for its versatility than for its power in any particular circumstance. It gets value even if it gets torched (furthering your gameplan of killing your opponent), and if you power up with Nika on 5 mana and a pump spell, you can do some silly amounts of damage (remember that you can play the pump spell before activating Nika's ability). The 3 health is also sometimes helpful against opposing aggro decks, yadda yadda. I'd say I pledge Nika about 30% of the time; I think the resulting boost to the deck's consistency is medium.

Groundbreaker is honestly the first card on the chopping block, largely because it costs 4 power to actually play and gets frequently stranded in the hand as a result. I added it partially to hose random Lifesteal units that seemed to be fairly prevalent on the ladder (Hojan, Crownbreaker, Hidden Road Smuggler, ...) and because having a 6-health blocker that doesn't die to Vanquish is relevant in aggro matchups.

Some other random remarks...

I put Skycrag Scalebreaker in the market for another angle of attack (Flying) stapled to an additional threat; you could try all sorts of other things in this slot, so I'd encourage you to do that if you like tinkering.

I'm pretty unsure about having power in the market in this deck (especially depleted); if you're going to tinker, look at changing this as well.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
23 16 11

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Deck Rarities
19 21 17 8

Card Types
34 9 9 0 28


December 31, 2018


Eternal Version

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zafuri Eternal Version: 1.42.2
Your build just enlightened me to solve a problem I faced with Skycrag Aggros:-
The "oooommmpphh" past 4 power.

I'd another traditional list with small units and lower curve, but after grinding for many rounds I realized that the 1/3 power restriction to deck building isn't really ideal when your plan is to swarm with 1 mana cost 2/1s and try to get away with it. You will really FLOOD a lot of times up to 4 - 5 power. Knowing that, I was thinking of innovating my list to incorporate some creatures at the higher end for some beating, and your list is just perfect for that.

The addition of Nika gave me the impression of Thunderbreak Dragon in Magic, and that works well, since Skycrag lists are struggling a little when comes to pushing that last few points of damage, at least Nika can be read as "Summon: Deal 3 damage to your opponent" in case opponent tries to answer it. Otherwise it blocks well against small units and has a decent state at 3/3.

Groundbreaker is also quite rewarding at current meta (too much Hidden Road Smugglers) but I agree that it's the easiest one to drop in case the meta has less lifegains.

Nonetheless, awesome list!
goldstarbrother Eternal Version: 1.42
Have you thought about trying Yushkov instead of Groundbreaker? I only ask because the title made me think this was going to be a Yushkov deck.
Combinator Eternal Version: 1.42
Interesting idea; honestly, I just forgot that Yushkov exists because I don't own any copies!